"You b*tch!" Jimin gave her a shove. "What the hell is wrong with you?!"

Taehyung shivered, the drink being cold, it had probably soaked his hair. Then he looked down at himself. Red. He was covered in red. Taehyung shivered again, his hands now visibly shaking.

Blood. That's all he saw. It wasn't, he knew it wasn't, but the color on his skin stirred a million and one memories. All of them painful.

Appa... When he blinked, all he saw was him stabbing him. Over and over and over and...

Taehyung gritted his teeth, a certain kind of panic, a certain kind of fear, was steadily rising in his head, he couldn't stop it, what he had done had scared him. Blood scared him. Death scared him. Keep calm, keep calm.

Jae-hwa laughed. "Remind you of anything? How does that feel, you crazy bastard? Let it soak in, before I have you back in that padded room, and then you know what? I hope you die there."

Taehyung swallowed. Jungkook put a hand to his shoulder, but he shrugged it off, then he ran out of the cafeteria. That was all he was ever really good at anyway. It hurt too much.

He ran down the hallways and turned a corner. He heard footsteps behind him, but he didn't particularly care, he just wanted out of that room, away from them, away from anyone who would look at him with pity, any from people, he felt like he was suffocating with all those people watching him.

I'm not crazy, I'm not crazy... She's lying!

Taehyung collapsed on the floor. Laying flat on his back, staring at the ceiling, he didn't so much care where he was laying, he was covered in what smelled like vegetable juice. First he inhaled sharply, the intake of oxygen hurting, then he blinked back tears, or at least tried to.

Even if he knew it was coming, even if he saw it coming, even if he knew any amount of happiness could never last, it didn't stop the pain, it didn't stop the tears.

I hate her.

He brought his hands up in front of his face. They had a sort of red tint to them. Just like that day, just like before. "Appa..." Taehyung whispered. He may have been a drunk bastard, he may have treated him like dirt, he may have blamed everything on Taehyung and treated Jae-hwa like an angel--but he was the only Appa he ever knew, he was far too young to remember his biological one.

He wondered what they were like, what they were doing, if they ever thought about the son they'd left at an orphanage. Maybe he was a mistake. Maybe that was why. Maybe they couldn't afford to raise him.

That word--maybe, it haunted him with a billion and one questions, none of them with answers. IT twisted his thoughts into something like a thorn bush, only pricking him and hurting him the more he thought about it.

"Taehyung, are you...okay?"

Taehyung looked from the ceiling to just above his head, where Jungkook was standing. He looked upside down from this angle, but he was leaning forward, hands on his thighs, seemingly catching his breath.

Taehyung looked at him for a second wide eyed, then he licked his lips, looking away. He hadn't expected Jungkook. Maybe Jimin, but not Jungkook.

"You can run, like really fast, you should join the track team, you'd kill."

Kill. Kill? No...Please... Taehyung kept laying on the floor, staring at the ceiling. He didn't know what to say to Jungkook, he didn't trust Jungkook. As familiar as his name had seemed, he still didn't know where he had heard it before.

"Okay, that's it." Jungkook sat next to Taehyung on the floor. "Tell me, you have to."

"...T-tell you?" Taehyung asked with a sniffle, his deep voice breaking.

"Tell me what she said. Tell me, or I'll sit on you." Jungkook said simply.

"Sit on me? W-why?"

Jungkook scoffed. "Oh! So you don't think I'm serious? Fine, Hyung, I'll carry you back to the roof then."

"...C-carry me?" Taehyung was surprised. Jungkook didn't look nearly strong enough to carry him anywhere.

"Hyung, would you just tell me? Tell me what Jae-hwa said to you earlier, tell me how you know her, tell me something, I don't care what, you're so quiet, and then you seem so depressed and sad. But then...I feel like you know, I feel like you're doing it on purpose almost..." Jungkook closed his eyes for a second, sighing. "Earlier you asked if I'd still like you after you told me. Tell me."

Taehyung bit his lip hard, shaking his head. "N-no, You'll h-hate me...! I don't want this again, not..." Taehyung stopped. Realizing he was saying what he was thinking out loud. Calm down, calm down.

"What do you mean? Taehyung...Were you...? Are you...?" Jungkook stopped, fiddling with the end of his tie.

Am I what? Don't say crazy. Whatever you say, don't say that.

"Tell me, hyung, because I think I might know."

Taehyung took a deep breath. What if he knew? Was he going to tell everyone? Was that something he could just guess? "You...know?"

Jungkook sighed. "Jae-hwa went on and on when she transferred here about her 'stupid' adoptive brother, used to go on about how he had a god-awful smile that looked like a box, that his voice was at least twenty years older then he was. She joked that she sent him back to hell."

Of course she would say that about me, she never loved me. Taehyung stared at Jungkook. He did know, maybe not everything, but... Taehyung bit back tears. Even that was enough to hate him. Don't hate me, don't hate me.

"Hyung...are you...an orphan? Did it not work out before? Is that why you're so sad?" Jungkook looked at Taehyung blankly, it wasn't possible to tell what was going on behind those innocent looking eyes, what the next thought might be.

Taehyung sniffled. "Ah..." His mouth hung open, thinking over what he was going to say a little further. "...Do you not like me now?"

Jungkook shook his head. "I'm just sorry for you." Pity was visible in Jungkook's eyes for a second. I hate that look. "I know what it's like to be rejected..."

Taehyung tilted his head. Why was the name Jungkook so familiar?


A/N: I'm going to warn you, because I want you to be prepared. I'm about to do nasty things to Jungkook in this story >.<" Not so much in the present, but his past isn't nice~ Maybe you know already O.O I'M SO VERY SORRY ;_;

Also, Taehyung makes a lot of noises that aren't words, it's not easy to express them in writing xD

~Neri likes Tablo :3 (shhh, it's a secret~)

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