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"When you smile, sun shines..."

~Baby don't Cry-EXO


"There, it's off." The psychiatrist said, pulling the straightjacket off of him.

Taehyung sat on the couch, looking at his hands. It wasn't there anymore, but he could see it, his father's blood, staining his hands. He gripped his pant legs with white knuckles. Even if he wasn't crazy, he still couldn't stop himself when it came to Appa hurting his sister. Maybe it was because he was just plain fed up with the way he'd been acting but...

"Are you hungry, Taehyung?" The psychiatrist asked, tapping Taehyung's leg lightly. "I could make you something, what do you like?"

Taehyung stared at her. No one had asked him what he liked in the longest time. He didn't know what to say, he couldn't even remember what he liked before, couldn't remember what exactly he had eaten before they'd dragged him away kicking and screaming.

She seemed to catch on that he wasn't going to answer, so she just smiled. "I'll make you ramen, okay? I'll make it special for you." She said, getting up, still smiling at Taehyung. "You can go ahead and look at a magazine, or turn on the TV."

Taehyung nodded as she left, going through a door without handles that swung back and forth freely. Though he didn't really feel like either of those things. It felt out of place now, he wouldn't even know what to watch, what articles to read, he'd come to stop caring about all those famous people. Everything they did became like an insult from the inside of a padded room where reality was too close. Where reality was painful.


Taehyung looked up, seeing that Jimin was looking straight at him. His eyes wide and curious, then he smiled lightly, smiling just as much with his eyes as he did his mouth. He looked like his life had been just perfect all this time, like he'd gotten exactly what he wanted his whole life, like everything had gone just his way.

"I know you speak, I've heard you, why are you so quiet now?" Jimin asked.

Taehyung shrugged. He didn't feel comfortable talking. He hadn't talked in such a long time, and when he did, he talked only to please one of the doctors or the nurses. He hadn't said what he actually thought, no one seemed to care anyway.

"When mom said you were crazy, I thought you'd be a yelling mess." Jimin stated, "You're kind of boring."

Taehyung shrugged again. He didn't know what to say about that. He didn't consider himself boring, but he almost wished he actually was boring, that his life was regular.

"What's your name again?" Jimin asked, taking off his snapback and running a hand through his hair.

"Taehyung..." He looked down, then back up at Jimin.

Jimin leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees and his chin in his hands, almost looking like he was pouting. "Taehyung... did you really kill your dad?"

Taehyung swallowed. This was it, the question that would make Jimin scared of him like everyone else, if he wasn't already. He was going to jump at everything he did, not look at him like everyone else, not love him like everyone else. Taehyung didn't want the rejection, but he wouldn't lie either, since he probably already knew most of the truth. "Yes...I did..." Taehyung said, his voice sounding deeper then normal.

"Why?" Jimin asked, giving him a sidelong look, mouth a straight line. "I mean, I know you're crazy, and I'm not supposed to ask that and expect the answer to make sense, but..."

Through the Glass k.th [HYYH pt.1]Where stories live. Discover now