The Bite

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Aisu's pov

"WHY THE FUCK  ARE YOU LIVING WITH BLOOD SUCKERS????!!!!!!"I yelled at her fidgeting my hands around and my dad just had to get all my guns does he I HAD A VAMPIRE DAGGER AND HE JUST HAD TO TOOK IT SINCE IT WAS 'Impure' WELL FUCK YOU DAD WHO ISN'T EVEN MY DAD.

"And I see you've been draining her from her blood? So who's the first ass I need to kick" I throw an arm over her as the douch came back

"Oii you dare make fun of ore-sama "

"Yes, why do you think I'm doing this"

"Alright you two that's enough bickering now you must be her brother I suppose ?" Ass hat fucking pigeon head or whatever asked wait brother?

"Here thought you're the smart one" I scoffed making his eye brow twitch turning to Yui making her flinch.


"Uhm this is my sister Aisu... Aisu-nee here's Subaru, Ayato, Laito, Kanato, Reiji and Shuu" they all arch a brow their eyes just scanning my body trying to find something that resembles a girl. I sigh and snapped my fingers infront of them

"Hey hey eyes up here-" I felt my back suddenly exposed and my just slithering out.

"Would you look at that, Teddy..she's a neko. No wonder she smelled really nice" I turned only to the purple hair guy with a creepy ass doll patting my tail.

"Aha yes a Neko now let go" I forcibly smiled and yanked my tail back from him.

I then felt my hat being taken away my hair flow down and my ears to pop out. Out of no where I found hands.....on my chest...squishing the fat on my chest...ARE YOU SERIOUS??!!!?

"Oh so she is a girl~" I smiled and grabbed his wrist making him smirk.

"I said...let go" I growled dislocated his wrist, they're vampires they'll be fine, in fact he just looked even hornier scares me.

"What a feisty kitty~"

"Wh-GYAH" I screeched as goosebumps just spread from the feeling of a tounge gliding by my neck...first day here and harrased already great....

"DO ANY OF YOU KNOW DECENCY?!?" I yelled grabbing this red head's arm and threw him to the nearest wall.

"I think I've seen enough, Yui bring her to her room" Glasses said, with that said I got her hand and my bag

"Hope all you choke on a rock" I said going to random direction as I heard a voice

"Other way..."

"Fuck all of you" I say pulling her again

Reiji's pov

Truly he was not joking when he said she was manic and ill-mannered. It's clear her only intention is to see Yui was alive, when she already brought her to her room I turned to them with a sigh

"alright what are your thoughts about her "

Kanato: ahh she's so loud...but that blood of hers smelled incredibly sweet

Laito: fufufu~I thought I am the only one who noticed~ she's so feisty and adorable I just want to tease her all day~~

Subaru: you're all idiots it's pretty obvious she has far better blood than the human.

Ayato: no joke I won't mind having her around. Two blood bags here would make things easier

Reiji: Her manners may be deplorable but, Her blood is stronger than any other creature. The scent itself is intoxicating this whole mansion and she just arrive-

Wait...where's Shuu

Back to Aisu

"Oii Yui how could you live with those guys seriously did they hurt you??? Rape? Gambel? Took your vi-" she closed my mouth face filled of tomatoes

"No, no, no, and most definitely not!!! I'm perfectly fine" she said making me cross my arms at this pathetic 'i'M PErfEcTLy FiNe' BULLSHIT


"Aisu-nee I'm fine, and don't talk like that! now why not you go to bed you've had a long day" she said with a smile making me reluctantly sigh

"alright fine...night Yui" I went in m- THIS HUGE ASS ROOM IS MINE???

This place was at least the size of my house. How big does a bed need to be??? WHY ARE THERE COUCHES AND EVEN A TEA TABLE??? I even get my own bathroom?!?? Well there aren't any TVs in the place but well I guess I can do something else to pass the time.

I grinned put my bags on my bed and checked out the bathroom. Ahaa this room is somehow almost as big as the bathroom. Must be nice being rich. I checked the shower and they even supply me with shower care, how nice.

I stripped down and went in the shower using the lemon mint shampoo cause it's actually quite good for my hair and tail and well ears. After I was done I got out and rummaged through my bag and put on a black tank and a over sized orange sweater low enough until my upper thighs with grey sweat pants but hey I am alone soo who cares if they don't match.

I looked to my bed...and saw an uninvited creature on who was sleeping on my bed.

"Oiii Shuu, Was it? off my bed" I said kicking on his dead body.

"urggg your so anoying"

"I know so g-" I was cut off when he grabbed my foot and licked my leg which sent shivers down my spine.

"you know I was about to spare you but now I think I'll be your first bite" he said sinking his teeth into my leg oh it didn't hurt at all pssshhhh of course not it just feels like my soul is slowly draining away oh yeah and my blood is being taken away but I'm obviously fine


What has this world come to...

Shuu's pov

I can feel her blood warming me up, it tasted alot sweeter then the human's, feels as if I'm drinking sugar. It's a drug

"Your blood, is incredibly swe-" I got cut off when she kneed the side of my head before falling on top of me, straddling my body as she grabbed my collar with such anger in her eyes.

"I haven't even ate yet fucking tart..." did...did she just pick food over her life?

With that said her eyes rolled back as she fell making me catch her before she hits the floor. She hugged me close making my eye twitch trying to push her off.

"Oiii get off me" but with that she's out cold...maybe I may have bitten her to harshly


How long am I gonna be in this mess

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