The day of Hell

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Aisu's pov

I was woken up when I heard some whispers

" Hey wake her up" shit where-oh wait right I I live with like 6 vampires now...should I try having crosses all over my room? or maybe use garlic perfume?

" why don't you do it" the warmness of the blanket was taken away from me I shot my eyes awake and sat up

"FINE WHAT WHAT IS IT THATS SOOOOOO IMPORTANT " I yell only for my neck to be grabbed and pushed back down.

"Watch your mouth, you're still in my house" he snarled making my tail go frizz only then to be patted by Kanato WHICH IS NOT SOOTHING AT ALL.

"Ayato don't be so greedy, I want some too"

"Oiii just shut up already" Ayato said getting to my shoulder and licked it a second later sharp pain goes to my neck and I felt Kanato on my wrist giving it the same treatment.


Kanato's pov

Her blood tasted really sweet, it's better than any desserts I have, all I want is to suck her up dry but.

I soon notice her getting pale I saw her fingers growing long nails I was shocked by this and let go something is going to happen and I don't want to know what a neko's claws could do.

"Ayato we need to g-" I was stopped when a loud slash was made and Ayato on the ground with a scar by his hand. I looked back up to her seeing her sigh retracting her claws before rubbing her head.

"Get out"

"Hey who do you think you are you can't do that to yours t-" I grabbed his shoulder and gestured her eyes.

"Ayato we need to go" I told him, he groaned as we both went out I noticed the wound he had started to swell up.

This should be interesting

Back to Aisu~

I swear that was so tiring. It's been a while since I got this defensive I didn't expect their biting to hurt that much but shit fuck these people are going to be the death of me. Well at least I don't have to go to sch-

"Aisu get ready for school" spoke to soon I guess

"I just had to think..." I mumbled and rubbed my temples as he threw school uniform at me. My my how skimpy.

"hurry up and change or would you want me to help you?" He asked I don't even have to look and I'm pretty sure he's saying so with a smirk. I groaned and throw a nearby lamp at him .

"I got arms to help my self" I said as he chuckled and went out I slumped down my bed wanting to sleep more.

"if you sleep again I will change you" I heard him say making me growl getting right up.

"EAT SHIT" I shout and looked at the clothes....I can't help but feel it looked better when I was half awake.

I was done Yui was still packing for fuck sakes she's such a pain in times I grabbed her stuff and her arm

"come on or else we are dead"

We went out and I pushed her in the supposed car before going in myself. In the car me and Ayato were having a glaring contest but Piegon-face intrupted

"Ayato why is your hand like that" Reiji asked pushing his glasses up

"That bitch scratched me"

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