Complications (a Janoskians Fan Fiction)

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THIS starts off really slow at first i'm really, it's gets more interesting as you read on, sorry! but please vote and comment and let me know what you think :p thanks xx

"Everybody on set in 5" shouted the director.

I quickly lock my phone and have a quick peek at myself in the mirror. Ugh. My hair is absolutely awful and I look so flushed. What if no-one likes me? I've landed the role of a British student in a new American TV show which stars Ariana Grande. I've been dreaming of becoming an actress for so long and I've always wanted my own fandom and to do follow sprees and be some body's idol or reason to breath; like Ariana is to millions. I've only just stopped screaming and crying with excitement as I'm slowly starting to get my head around my new lifestyle. A very familiar, girly happy voice snatches me through my thoughts as Ariana Grande walks through the door.

"Oh my god, hello! You must be Lucy!' she squeals.

"Haha" I chuckle. "Yes I am! Hello!"

We embrace in a quick hug and tears welcome my eyes, for goodness sake! I'm such an embarrassment!

"Are you ok? Do I smell bad or something?" Ariana teases.

Laughing while wiping away my pathetic tears, I reply, "No! Erm, this is just all so over whelming! I can't believe I'm standing in front of you in my own dressing room. It's all so weird! And you're so beautiful and you're so talented and..." I quickly shut myself up before I make even more of an idiot of myself and just smile at her.

"Aw! You're so adorable; I think you're going to settle in well! And thank you, you are absolutely gorgeous yourself! I want your hair!" She says while picking up a strand of it.

"Come on girls, you're wanted on set" shouts the director again and Ariana grabs my hand and we quickly run to Set.




I scroll through my mentions on twitter while eating an apple in the canteen. I've gained quite a few followers purely because of Ariana. Since we've met we have done numerous twit cams, keeks and have even been tweeting one another sometimes. It's weird knowing that just a couple of months ago I was fan girling over Ariana and begging for a follow or a tweet or spamming the Janoskians for a follow..... And with fan girls being fan girls, there's already been mean comments or rumours that I'm going to steal Luke Brooks because I want to be like Ariana. I wish! Even though I love every single one of the Janoskians, I'm defiantly a Luke girl. I will never ever meet the Janoskians or get noticed by them; even if I am Ariana's 'friend'. Putting my phone aside, I leave the canteen and get back onto set.

"AHHH, I'm so excited! Ok, I'll see you then. I love you loads"

I eavesdrop on Ariana's phone call with Jai from outside her dressing room. He's coming to LA to spend time with her. You can't help but be jealous of their relationship; especially as Jai is gorgeous. She may be excited but I'm pretty much wetting myself. I scream to myself in silence and jump up and down like a silly little girl. He's 1/5 of the Janoskians; the 5 boys I adore right now. And I can't tell Ariana I like them because that'll just make things awkward. I can't tell her I have a massive crush on her boy friend and his brother....and his friends.

"Ermmm, Lucy? Are you ok?" Ariana giggles.

Startled and a little embarrassed, I put my hands up and admit to her. "I know I shouldn't have been listening but I am so excited that your boy friend is coming here! I can meet him right?!'

"Of course you can stupid! I can't get over how cute you are! He's getting dropped off here on Thursday and the rest of the boys might be coming" She laughs. "You know who the Janoskians are don't you?"

"Yeah, I like them. I've watched a few of their videos" I lied

I pull her into a hug and run off, desperate to find a place where I can phone my best friend's back in England. I Skype all of 4 of them: Jasmine, Danielle, Sophie and Jade. Once we're all connected my fangirling kicks in and I begin crying and screaming, trying to explain to them that I'm going to meet Jai and maybe all of the Janoskians.


"YOU'RE SUCH A LUCKY BITCH" shouts Jade, who's also crying with me.

"TELL LUKE I LOVE HIM" exclaims Jasmine.

Wait, Luke? I totally forgot! If he comes I'm going to make such an idiot of myself because I'll make it so obvious I like him in front of everyone and Ariana, and he obviously isn't going to like me back. My biggest fear is that my idol won't like me and I might have to face that fear soon.

"Lucy? You alright? Have you heard some bad news?" asks Ariana

"No, just concentrating on getting connection" I lied again. "Come on, let's go"

Daniel Sahyounie, Luke Brooks, Janoskians, Ariana Grande/Jariana FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now