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Lindsey's POV

I soon force myself to stand up and put on a hat. I continue to help everyone pack, even though Steve keeps making sarcastic remarks about the bags under my eyes. So, I kick him in the shin. Whoops. My bad. Emma laughs really hard at this, and we have to take a break just so she can calm down. "Are you really to go?" Savannah asks everyone. "Yes!" We all reply. "TO FREEDOM!" Elena shouts. We all glance at her. "What? Too soon?" She asks. So we get on our way.

*on the plains*

"Steve, it looks cloudy." I tell him. "Yeah, so?" He asks. This aggravates me. "So, if it starts raining, it's going to burn Emma's flipping skin off!!!!" I scream. "Good lord." I hear Cupa mumble. "Look. The village isn't too far from here, so we'll just stop there." He says

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