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Emma's POV

"Speaking of the real world, how are you going to get back?" Herobrine asks me. "I don't know. I'm not sure if I want to go back. I was constantly bullied, and my life wasn't so great, either." I say. "But your parents must be worried sick!" Herobrine says, as he takes me by the wrists. "Who knows if time is even passing? It's just a label." I say. I don't know what I did to deserve what he did next, but I'm cool. He kissed me. Our bodies were pressed together, and I was shoved against a tree. It's embarrassing, but honestly, there's no one I'd rather kiss.

Savannah's POV

"How? What?" The girl with the pumpkin hat asks. "I'll explain. You are Cupa, and you are Lindsey, correct?" I ask, as I point at each of them. "Yeah." Cupa replies. "Ok. When I first got zapped here, I was being chased here, there, and everywhere by a villager. I disguised myself as a cat to escape. And then, Cupa started to take care of me."

Endersnow (Talking Mobs sequel)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum