Come On Girl

173 9 0

Static: *late nights or early mornings in the studio like always*

In the booth 

Black: mmmmhhhhhmmm yeaa yeaaa haha

Playa: come on girl 

Black: mmmhhmmm yeaaaa yeaaa woooo ohhh oohhh 

Playa: come on girl, & feel what I'm feeling 

Static: feel it baabaay

Playa: come on girl it's time for some sexual healing 

Smoke: heeeyyyyy aayyeee

Static:  ooooo just like the high I get off of my weed

Smoke: smoke that weed babe 

Static: when you walk by the rush come naturally

Smoke: naturally yeeaaa

Static: ain't no debating yooouu've got it going oonnn 

Smoke: going on baaybaayee

Static: so call me on the phooonnee

The Crew: Just LivingUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum