For Sale

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**Guy speaks into mic**

Guy: alright, alright how is everybody out there doing tonight

Everybody: good

Guy: good so we have a few people here tonight ready to EXPRESS some words to you might have seen them before, but if not give it up for Tionne & Dalvin

*Everybody snaps*

Left: woo go Ti!!

Ro: speak the word girl!

Ti: aha thank you..this is a poem I wrote called For Sale *looks over at Dalvin to play the track*

*music starts*

Ti: *starts singing*

Baby girl don't ya leave home

Dalvin: leave home

Ti: Don't ya know it's been too long

Dalvin: too long

Ti: baby girl don't ya leave home

Dalvin: leave home

Ti: cause you know it's been too long..I met someone today & guess what he said

Dalvin: *walks over to Ti* do you wanna come with me, can I please take you to bed

Ti: I said, no mister what be yo name

Dalvin: my name is unforgettable & never known to be named

Ti: he says

Dalvin: are you a run away?

Ti: *looks at Dalvin* I said, hmm maybe so..he said

Dalvin: I'll take care of you, why don't you come be my hoe

Ti: I said, what does hoe mean is that something bad!? He said

Dalvin: no my dear..if not you'll wish you had

Ti: why is that sir? He said

Dalvin: I can make you rich, give you everything you hope for, but don't tell nobody don't be a snitch

Ti: if it's not wrong..why can't I tell..He said

Dalvin: I don't like people in my business, & if they ask tell them to go to h*** trick for me. And you make money, but only at your will...How could you turn this down making that dollar bill!

Ti: I'll guess I'll pass, go back home where I should be..being out on the streets made me learn that the streets are not for me

Ti: *starts singing* baby girl don't you leave home

Dalvin: trick for me, make money

Ti: cause you know it's been too looongg

Dalvin: dollar bill

Ti: baby girl don't you leave home

Dalvin: trick for me, make money, dollar..dollar, dollar bill

Ti: cause you know it's been too loonngg

Dalvin: too long

Ti: baby girl don't you leave home

Dalvin: leave hoommee

Ti: cause you know it's been too looonnngg

**track fades out & everybody cheers & snaps**

Ti: aha thank you everybody *walks off stage*

**back at table**

Ro: that was good Ti 

Left: yea you two did that 

Pac: I think I go next 

Another successful Poetry Night for Ti & Dalvin...TBC

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