The Party pt.2: Diggin' On You?

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**If you ever see a video at the top always press play because the music/pics go with the chapters**


 so did you like the show?

Ti: oh yes, I loved it! 

I'm glad you did..I was singing to you too (smiles)

Ti: oh really??

 yea I mean how could I not sing to the most beautiful woman in the theater..that's a once in a life time thing

Ti: the most beautiful woman huh?  aha whatever Dalvin

 I'm serious Ti..I'm not gone lie I'm feeling you and wanted to know if I could take you out.

Ti: sure we can go outside

really Ti why fronting?? I know you feeling me too so lets go ahead & get our feelings out there. 

Ti: alright D I'm feeling you too (blushes)

I knew it!! (smiles) see you be making a brother work hard but I like that

Ti: like my girl left says, "he only really want it if know he can't have it."

Left walks by*

Left: say what! say huh!

Ti: smh (giggles) that's Lisa for you 

yea (laughs) so we can go to this little poetry/spoken word spot Sunday night around 6

Ti: that sounds good I write a little poetry 

that's cool maybe you can read me something one day 

Ti: yea that would be cool 

yea I write a little bit too but nothing too serious

Ti: you should let me read something of yours one day 

I should...hey I have an idea Ti how about we write something together & perform it on Sunday 

Ti: that sounds cool...that would be different I've never had guy really want to do something deep like that with me before so sure...

*And there it is pt.2 

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