Hosting With Jodeci

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**2 weeks later**

Dalvin: yo what's up welcome to MTV Jams were Jodeci your host for today's show we got some of your favorite videos plus three debuts..from Hi-five, & R. Kelly, & After 7..and coming up later in the show we have a live performance from Jade singing their new release called Don't W*laughs* Don't Walk Away..well right now let's begin with the beautiful & sexy Sade from her album Love Deluxe This Is No Ordinary Love on MTV Jams peace *throws up peace sign*

K-Ci: I see you chilling today De

De: aha yea I'm chilling

Dalvin: (laughs) na he just missing B since she's away working for a month

De: *smacks teeth* whatever man

**after video ends**

K-Ci: yo that was Shabba Ranks & Johnny Gill with flow & sexy don't go anywhere MTV Jams we will return in a moment with more Jodeci, & debut video from After 7 in a second stick around

K-Ci: peace

Dalvin: out *throws up peace sign*

**after commercial break**

Dalvin: yo what's up, welcome back to MTV Jams with Jodeci taking your time to hanging out with you today, the next video is from three guys that go by the name of After 7 with a song that's called Baby I'm For Real & it's the remake of a classic love song recorded a while back by the Originals, let's check out the way they do it on MTV today peace

Dalvin, K-Ci, & JoJo: *throws up peace sign*

Dalvin: *smiles* yea what's up

K-Ci: yo what's up that's was wrexx-n-effects with the dope beat Rump Shaker we got more videos coming up including two more debuts on MTV Jams so don't move, don't go nowhere stay right there will be right back peace we out


Dalvin: yo what's up, Jodeci still in the house, & the second debut today is from Mr. Lee & R.Kelly it's called Hey Love, check it out

K-Ci: yo what's up this is K-Ci

Dalvin: hey what's up

K-Ci: we're back here with my brothers Jodeci..and, we're gonna take the plesure of introducing one of our classic videos

Dalvin: oldie but goodie up in here 

K-Ci: this is Come & Talk To Me on MTV Jams on the behave of Jodeci we out peace

Dalvin: *throws up peace sign*


Dalvin: that was yours truly with our oldie but goodie Come & Talk To Me video, again we have a live performance by Jade coming up so stay tuned for more of us & more of MTV Jams peace

K-Ci: Hi-Five is back with the new debut on MTV Jams it's a balled called Quality Time produced by R. Kelly, & it's from their latest LP Keep It Goin On so let's go to the video on MTV Jams

Dalvin: as we promised we have the performance by the new R&B group Jade who introduced their first single I Wanna Love You Down right here on MTV a little while back, here they are again with their new hit single Don't Walk Away check em out y'all Jade in the house

K-Ci: good looking good

Dalvin: alright, Jade that was Jade

K-Ci: Jade *applauds* yayy

JoJo: *throws up hand*

Dalvin: there new single a Don't Walk Away, coming after the break

K-Ci: we have the number one slow song number one song in the country Ms. Whintney Houston I Will Always Love You

Dalvin: ooo I'll always love you forever & ever *chuckles* go ahead Whitney

***After video & end of show***

Dalvin: yo what's up, I wanna thank you for watching MTV Jams...tune in next week for all your beautiful guest, you know, favorite celebrities or whatever, & see you later peace *throws up peace sign* that's it we outta here

JoJo: yeaaa

K-Ci: shout out time , shout out time

Dalvin: what's up to the whole crew, rump shakers out there, & everybody keep shaking ya rumps...ayee what's up Tionne you got it going on *smiles & points to camera*

K-Ci: what's up Mary what's up babyyy, Dev, LaShawn *smiles*

Devante: what's up B *smiles*

Dalvin: I wanna say what's up to all our fans we love y'all keep supporting Jodeci we out

JoJo: Momma I love ya

K-Ci: (laughs)

Dalvin: (laughs)

Devante: *chuckles & shakes head*

K-Ci: so what y'all going to go do now 

Dalvin: I'm about to go enjoy my new place 

K-Ci: *smacks teeth* n**ga stop lying you about to go call T-boz

Dalvin: *chuckles & walks off*

*Devante's beeper goes off*

JoJo: I bet that's Bianca 

Devante: *smiles* yea it's my woman 

K-Ci: I should have known

JoJo: I'm surprised she hasn't popped up at your house out here or anything yet since this is her favorite city  

*Devante's beeper goes off* 

Devante: *smiles & walks off towards exit*

JoJo: mhm that must be her since he's just walking off without saying anything 

K-Ci: well forget you too then De *chuckles*

***At TLC's house***

Ti: *giggles* yea I saw you, that was cute

Dalvin: I miss you

Ti: I miss you too 

Dalvin: I want you up here with me, but I know you working 

Ti: yea, you are too 

Dalvin: I'll see you soon though, I love you do you love me?

Ti: uh huh I love you 

Dalvin: I know you do 

Left: yo Ti come here right quick 

Ti: okay, baby I'll call you back later before you fall asleep 

Dalvin: alright Ti I'll talk to you later 

Ti: okay *hangs up*

Dalvin: *hangs up* let me go find something to eat

Dalvin loves him some Tionne, just like Devante loves him some Bianca..Comment & vote 

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