Party Plans??

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I was chilling in my room when Ro came in

Ro: hey Tionne the phone is for you

alright *goes downstairs & picks up phone*


Dalvin: what's up baby

Nothing really

Dalvin: I was calling to see if you wanted to come over, since I'm about to invite everybody over for a little house party so I had to call you first

Oh yea I'll be there..I'll see if the girls wanna go too so what time

Dalvin: you can come anytime you want, but I told everybody else to be here by 7

Okay I'll be there

Dalvin: alright baby I'll see you *hangs up*


Missy: so what did he say

LaShawn: he said he was going to be there for me & the baby

Missy: that's good..what did he say about Mary

LaShawn: he said he didn't know how he was going to tell her & I told him that I won't say anything

Missy: well you know, you still have to let the girls in the group & Daddy Swing know what's going on..

LaShawn: yea you're right

Missy: you know this effects everybody

LaShawn: yes I know Missy

Missy: alright alright so you know Dalvin is having a house party later are you going

LaShawn: why should I

Missy: to enjoy the good times while they last because I think this will be the last time we all will be able to come together with no problems

LaShawn: I guess I'll go


JoJo: Yea yea I'll be there n***a & I'll bring some people too

Dalvin: alright it better not be no s**t go on at my house Jo

JoJo: alright alright D

It's time for another you think it will be some drama at this one comment & let me know 

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