Happy Birthday Rashad

195 8 0

Aug 6


*today was one of my favorite people's birthday that's right Rashad, & one of my other favorite people are in town that's right Kidada & now me, Shad, Kid, & Missy were all out for a night in the city since I already spent the day with Ra Ra I figured why not go out for some fun with a couple of friends..it's even better because Kidada is here with us*

Kidada: so what do you want to go do Rashad?

Rashad: we can go dancing, & go get some pizza at my favorite spot.

Aaliyah: sounds good to me. 

At the dance club 

Aaliyah: go ahead Shad (laughs) *dancing*

Rashad: *starts grooving* 

Missy: *dancing* go ahead & get your groove on Rashad.

Back & Fourth starts playing  & everybody in the club starts to get hype

Aaliyah: *looks down & gets all shy* why did they have to do that? *looks around to see people dancing & enjoying the song* 

Kidada: still get nervous whenever you hear that somewhere huh LiLi?

Aaliyah: yea *takes in small breath* but I'm okay now so let's finish getting down *starts dancing again* 

Later on at the pizza place 

Aaliyah: that was fun right? *bites into pizza*

Rashad: mhm, you know I always have fun with you, & you guys too *points to Missy & Kidada*  so how was fashion week in Milan Kid?

Kidada: that was fun I'm glad I set that up for Tu cause we got a lot of love out there, Li we have a meet at Macy's coming up soon for  the new Tommy Gear.

Aaliyah: when?

Kidada: in a couple weeks, but you will get all the details before then. *eats forkful of pasta* this is so good.

Aaliyah: it really is *eats some salad* 

Missy: so how is it so far being 22 Rashad?

Rashad: I can't complain. *grabs two slices* 

Missy: I'm surprised you don't have a little girlfriend or something.

Aaliyah: I don't know what's wrong with him, he always gets with girls that he don't even be into like that it's stupid.

Rashad: hey it was that one girl uhh what was her name again?

Aaliyah: (laughs) see.

Missy & Kidada: (laughs) 

Rashad: that's alright though cause when I did find the right one she's going to be the one so I'm chilling. *bites into pizza* 

Just a little chapter for Rashad so comment & vote if you want 

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