Next Morning

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 **next morning**


*I woke up to see Ti sleeping on my chest* *smiles* she's so beautiful  

*moves Ti to the side & gets up to go to the bathroom to do  morning routine*


I was cooking Ti breakfast..I figured why not I'm sure she will like it *flips bacon* 

*starts singing along with music playing*  and I'm still waiting for you to come back to me baby now will you forgive me for the wrong I've dooonnne &  let's trryyy make it last so loonnngg I'm still waiting..for you to come back to love, to fulfill this life we're dreaming of..another dayyy might be too loonng go slow sooo nothing goes wroonngg

Ti: *wakes up to smell food & music playing*

he must be cooking *goes to bathroom to wash up* 

*goes downstairs to see Dalvin putting food on a plate & singing*

Dalvin: I can't wait to feel your love again cause you can stop this pain *looks up to see Ti walking in the kitchen* good morning baby

Ti: good morning I see I have you cooking for me already 

oh yea I gotta take care of my did you find the extra toothbrushes & stuff in the bathroom *pulls out chair for Ti to sit*

Ti: yea I did & I love that bed *sits down*

well you are welcome to sleep in it anytime 

Ti: I'll keep that in mind  

so did you have fun last night 

Ti: I did *smiles* thank you 

you're welcome what do you have to do today

Ti: I was probably go out with the girls..what are you going to do 

clean up the house some more, probably wash my car, & go down to the studio for a little while 


So I'm thinking about skipping ahead with time after the next few chapters & just have the Mary & K-Ci drama come up in flashbacks..comment & let me know what you think  ~Blaze

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