I Wanna Know

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*The song is up top*

LaShawn: *today the all of us from Sista was in the studio working on our song I Wanna Know  & Missy was in the booth killing it like always*

Missy: I wanna know, I need to knooww, I wanna know, I wanna know if you're my maann, I wanna 

Sista: know if you're the man for me

Missy: I wanna know, I need to knooww, I wanna know, I wanna know if you're my man I..I

Missy starts rapping

Missy: I've been itchin' can I getcha with this sweet poonanny wetter, don't go downtown like 2Pac keep ya head up..I'm tryna get the hot to go down on ya, I wanna just sucks up ya toes, & I'm fallin like whoa..deep in a mist yo, I'm high off ya indo, you seem to have a heart witcha big doggie dog, tweetalee, bumblebee, look at me, & see I got the heeby-jeebies baby & you got it from me hey hey hey..I really wanna knooww if you wanna gooo to the hotel, well nigga let me knoowwcause I got my Sista clan, & my Sista house to see if I'm tired or if I wore ya out

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