Todd & Lisa

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**I was at Todd's house today..we were joking around of course & telling stories...

Todd: my dad use to do all kind of stuff

Left: talking about your dad, my dad was a trip, he use to do the craziest stuff....

I remember one time, you ever had a dad that was so strict..that they pick the real

little pickiest stuff, & they get you out the bed at 3:00 in the morning I mean we

was me, my, sister, & my brother we all had to get up at 6:00 in the

he's in the army he's a Sargent in the army so that's what time he wakes us up 6:00 every morning..

This is how he wakes us okay at 6:00, everybody get out the bed, get out the bed,

don't let ya head touch the pillow, get out the bed, stand up on your two feet, if you

let your head touch the pillow you in we get up

Todd: (chuckles)

Now this was my morning duties, we all had morning duties, we had certain times to be out the bedroom & in the bathroom..

So I get up, I'm in the bathroom first, I'm oldest, & I'm the cook..

Now my dad is in the army so the store he goes to sells a lot of meat, you know he gets it cheap cause he's in the army

So he got the refrigerator stocked with meat, this is what we eat every single day

I go to the bathroom, I come out the bathroom, I go downstairs to the kitchen

Todd: what like a daily routine, doing the same thing everyday

Yea uh sister she gets all her clothes ready, she goes in the bathroom..

I'm downstairs cooking..6 hamburgers, & then my brother is in the room getting his clothes ready

Okay, sister she gets out the bathroom, gets dressed, comes downstairs, my brother goes in the bathroom

I'm putting the hamburger on the patties, now why do we need 6 hamburgers??

(Chuckles) 3 for breakfast, 3 for lunch, & when we get home we have hamburgers for dinner

Now my dad he had no si- get to school & the hamburger is cold as s**t

Todd: hamburgers for breakfast??

The ketchup is all stuck to the meat

Todd: like all pink uh huh

From the ketchup & it's cold hamburgers for breakfast, lunch, & when we get home we got hamburgers for dinner..

Todd: *shakes head*

Alright, it was only hamburgers or steak

Todd: I'll pick hamburgers

And, you know my friends use to say they wish they dad was like that so they could have meat

Todd: mhm

But we ain't never, we like junk food, we like sugar

Todd: and it wasn't like McDonalds hamburgers you know were they taste good & s***t cause you could eat McDonald's hamburgers the next day

Yea yea I know

Todd: and they still taste like McDonalds

Na na, & sometimes he bought those nasty mush burgers

Todd: omg

Disgusting..anyways have you ever had a dog

Todd: never ever in my life

I remember when we had a dog, my brother has a love for animals, my dad you know he could care less, he don't care if we have em or not..

But if we have em it's our responsibility to take care of em, we gotta clean up after em, we gotta feed em he don't have nothing to do with it he just got us the animal

Now me & my sister we didn't want to go through that, cause we know how our father is

Ya know he's like that clean & stuff down to the nit pick grimey all that kind of stuff

So we don't want my brother you know sees the neighbor, one of the neighbors is taking the dog to the SPC

And if anybody wants it they can just come & pick it my brother comes

Ya know, dad dad the neighbor they giving away a dog a dog..& he was like

What kind of dog, it's a German Shepard it's a little puppy, it's a little puppy!!

So my dad was like alright alright ima bring em out, my dad brings em out

And, the little puppy is like this big *raises hand to show how big* but it's only like 2 months old right..

So..the dog is not allowed in the house after about a 2 days of being in the house

The dog scratched up all the wax off the floors from running in the house & sliding & s**t (laughs) so my dad bans the dog from being in the house

Todd: (laughs) she said sliding & s**t

Now the dog is sitting in the back

Todd: aha

This is winter time it's cold, it's freezing, my dad has no mercy for this dog at all

Todd: *shakes head*

So, we clear everything out the storage room, the storage room is outside, & we make the storage room the dog's house

But, it's still cold, it's no heat & the rain comes it comes through

We just felt so sorry for the dog we were like Ronald send the dog the SPC & give it away to somebody

Todd: you know what I would do..hold on you know what I would do.? I'd train that f**king dog to bite my dad's a** off when it got older

Na, my dad has no mercy for animals

Todd: he would shoot em

Na, I'm saying like it was like 20 below 0 plus raining & snowing & s**t & he would not let the dog in the house where it's nice & warm..& the dog has to eat outside

Todd: mmm mmm mmm

So my dad's girlfriend comes over one time ya know & they're going away for the weekend

Todd: (yawns)

And she's like Ron it's cold outside, just let the dog in the house..please please do it for me Ron it's so cold outside the dog is gonna die if you leave it outside

Todd: you can smell it *chuckles*

Ya know that's his girlfriend if we would have told him some s**t like that

He would have been like no the dog is staying the f**k outside

Todd: yea uh huh

But since it was his girlfriend he was like alright alright the dog can come in the house

The only thing we had in our house in the whole downstairs, we didn't have any rugs, only thing we had was a couch & a chair

We didn't have a tv, we ain't have no tables, ohh we had an ironing board

We had an ironing board, in the dining room, & we had a couch & a chair in the living room

Now my dad went away for the weekend with this lady & he let the dog in being nice okay now (laughs) when he gets home...

First of all, haha he s**t from one end to the floor to the next

Todd: aha

Now my dad does not want this dog in the house in the first place, so that's the first thing he sees wrong so he just blows up

And he call my brother Ronald come down here & clean

Ya know we all came home together, we wasn't home either & we clean up the s**t okay so we clean up the s**t

Then he looks under the couch, our only piece of furniture & it's like 6x6 inch chunks of s**t  (laughs) sticking out the couches

Todd: ahaa like 6x6

So I'm telling you, now the dog is in really deep s**t & last..last, but not least

Last, but not least my dad goes down the stairs & says WHERE's MY SLIPPERS AT!! (Laughs)

Todd: oooo hahaha

The dog chewed up the slippers & dad banned the dog & put it back outside

Todd: he f***ked that dog up didn't he haha

Yep he sure did & that was a shame cause too..I mean that was our only couch

Ya know, anytime people came over to visit or our friends the least we could do is sit em on the nice couch..that was only nice piece of furniture that we had (laughs)

Todd: hahaha

And when they sit down it's like a little automatic thing where you can rest your head because it had a big circle out at the top of the couch

Todd: (laughs)

Now you would just lay your head back where the dog bit out the couch

Todd: ahaha..speaking of dogs, umm you ever had like some places I think some places like McDonalds serve like dog meat sometimes cause they hamburgers don't taste right..sometimes they be tasting good as s** could eat em the next week & still taste good but sometimes they don't taste know what I hate, I use to work at McDonalds in Philadelphia when I was growing up & I was working the drive thru

*starts making faces*

Todd: cause we had like one of the better *looks at Left to see her making faces* (laughs)

(Laughs) what

Todd: yea you can smell it what do you want to do now

Todd: I can put some music on


You gotta love Todd & Lisa..

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