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Chapter 14: Dramatic Chipmunk Style

Harry's POV

I didn't even know what to do. Sitting on my sofa, I pull out a video game controller and begin launching moves onto the attacker. Even though I had just seen Macy yesterday, it felt like an eternity of boredom just washed through my skin. Although it sounds refreshing, it's not. Boredom was a sick disease that infected kids, teens, and adults all around the globe. Lucky babies.

Punching the guy in the throat on the video game, my thoughts drift off to Macy. Did I want to see her? Yes. Did I want to bother her? Double yes. Did I want to go over there and possibly look desperate? No. Sighing at the boredom, I wonder if I should actually try talking to people. The thought made me sick to my stomach, but it was time I stopped being an antisocial person, and get a 'life.'

Standing to my feet, I shut my video game off and head outside. Lets see... My eyes land on the bicycle that I hadn't been on in a month and decide it'll have to do. Jumping onto the bike, I begin placing my feet on the pedals and biking out of there. Going down the road in a fast, yet cautious manor, I take in all of the scenery. Yup, this was boring too.

At least the sun wasn't too hot nor too down today. Continuing the pedaling, I head into town. Maybe I could stop by and get an ice cream or some more paints or- My thoughts stop as I see Macy sitting in the park, reading a book up against the tree. My lips part as I stare at the beautiful girl whose hair was shining from the sun; her lashes lowered over delicately laying on her cheekbones. She was here. She was here!

Keeping my eyes on the way she flips through her book, my bike runs into a tree and I flip off of it. Landing hard into the tree, the bike lands on top of my laying down figure. "I'm ok!" I yell out in case anybody seen me fall. Sure enough I hear footsteps and that's when I look to see Macy looking down at me; a worry line in between her brows.

"Are you alright?" She squats down beside, placing a rag to my bleeding forehead. "Poor thing," she makes does a frowny face, cleaning up the blood. I gasp at the hint of pain as she gives me a lopsided smile. "What made you run into this innocent tree? I think you hurt it," she teases, touching the cut up bark.

"Har, har." Macy helps me to my feet, blinking rapidly. "Why're you doing that?" I ask, talking about her rapid eye blinking.

"I got loser dust in my eye... I think I got it from you." She blinks, rubbing her eyes.

I laugh. "You caught it from yourself, trust me."

Rose nods. "Probably. So," she walks beside me as I carry my bike. "what brought you actually outside?" She teases.

"I was bored, saw the bike, and here I am." I shrug, looking down at her.

She nods understandably. "Yea. I got bored too so decided I'd read a book outside."

"Ooh outside. You naughty girl," I wink at her. She laughs, heading towards a bench. I set my bike up against the benches table, and sit down beside her. "What are you reading?" I ask trying to see the cover. Macy turns the cover my way so that I can see "Paper Towns" in large letters. "Oh... Is it any good?" I wasn't a huge fan of John Greens work.

Macy grins. "Yes! I love Margo's personality!"

I look at the cover. "Sure. It looks pretty good but if it ends up sucking, I'm going to be disappointed." I truthfully reply.

She frowns at me. "Trust me," she places her tiny hand on my arm. "You'll love it!"

I could feel tingles through the touch, heightening my senses till I was overwhelmed. Pulling back to escape the butterflies, I admire Macy's beauty. How could somebody so delicate like her have to deal with the world? It wasn't fair. She didn't belong in a place that was so messed up it couldn't see straight. She needed something better, bigger. Something that I wouldn't be able to give, but would strive for.

Smiling at Macy at how excited she got about books, I gently caress her cheek. "I'm sure I'll enjoy it now would you like to get some ice cream?"

"As long as you don't run into a tree again, yea." Macy snorts at her own joke and I frown.

"You are so mean," I put my hand across my heart, lips pointing down. "Meanie head."

"Meanie head?" She raises those eye brows of hers up. "Wow, creative." She gives me a thumbs up.

I turn to the ice cream guy. "I'll take a chocolate ice cream," I look to Macy. "And for you?" I ask, looking at Macy expectantly.

"Strawberry." She replies.

"Chocolate for me and a strawberry for the lady, please." Handing us our ice creams, I hand the man five pounds, and turn to Macy. "Here ya go," handing her hers' she grins. Placing it to her mouth, she licks the ice cream with the tip of her tongue. "What are you? A cat?" I laugh at my own joke and Macy flicks a piece of ice cream at my face. Dramatically turning like the Dramatic Chipmunk, I squish one eye in a pinched expression. "Excuse me?" Grabbing my cone, I smash it into her cheek causing it to stick to her face.

"Harry!" She growls out, throwing the ice cream down on the ground. "It's on!" Grabbing her ice cream, she puts it in my face. Gripping her arm, my eyes widen as the cold cone inches closer to my face. Taking a bite out of her ice cream, she frowns while crossing her arms over her chest. "Let me smash it into your face."

I sigh, letting go of her arm. "Fine." She looks at me surprised before eagerly grabbing it. Grabbing her arm again, I turn it quickly towards her face landing on her left cheek. "I can't believe you feel for the ol' switcheroo!"

Laughing hysterically, Macy places her fingers against her cheek and sucks her fingers clean of the sweet. "Still tastes good. Maybe you should have a taste," she wipes it off her face, smearing it onto mine.

It's not funny anymore.


Question: What songs do you listen to when you write? We Found Love; 5Sos; Fifth Harmony; and Taylor Swift.

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