Don't Hate Us Cause You Ain't Us

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I lay in my tent glaring daggers at Marissa's sleeping form. After finding out she liked to stand outside my bedroom window and stalk me, I felt uneasy sleeping next to her. I wasn't scared. I simply wanted to punch the girl multiple times in the face.

Calm down Dotty, CALM DOWN.

One bad move from me would be the end of Ash. It would only take her a second to send that photo to Jack. I knew I couldn't react violently but that didn't mean I couldn't subtly get back at her.

I reached into my jacket pocket and pulled out my pocket knife... Anyone would think I was about to stab her. I wasn't that crazy. I simply poked a small hole in her blow bed and smiled as I heard the air begin to escape.

Now I could finally sleep.

I woke up to the sound of Marissa screeching. "What the hell did you do to my bed?"

Not the most pleasant awakening I'll say. "Don't know what you're talking about," I mumbled, still half asleep.

"Don't play dumb you little brat, you let all the air out."

I smiled. "I did no such thing, maybe the bed couldn't take your weight anymore."

She gasped. "Did you just call me fat?" Some people just couldn't take a joke.

"Yes I did, now get over it chubs." I buried my face back into my pillow, attempting to fall asleep again whilst Marissa continued to make a fuss.

The second time I woke up, I was pleased to find I had the tent all to myself. Marissa's deflated blow bed had also disappeared. I could hear chatter from outside so I assumed most people were up.

I unzipped my tent slightly and poked my head out. "Morning children."

"Morning honey, get ready we're heading for the lake soon," my mum informed me.

I noticed Marissa had somehow wormed her way onto Ash's lap. When she saw me looking, she turned her head and gave Ash a gross, sloppy kiss. I almost laughed when I saw Ash grimace. It was still hard seeing him kiss her, but it was slightly better knowing he wasn't enjoying it.

I smiled at Mason, giving him a quick wave before diving back into my tent. I reached into my bag and put on my favorite black bikini. I then threw on an oversized band t-shirt and headed out.

When I re emerged from the tent, my mum and Jack had disappeared back into the tent. Marissa had taken the cringiness a step further and was now trying to feed Ash. I almost gagged. Unfortunately for Marissa, he wasn't complying and dodged her advances.

I grabbed a bagel and perched next to Mason on the log. He wrapped his arm around me and kissed me on the cheek. "Morning chicken." I had to admit, Mason was a little cutie sometimes. He seemed like a truly decent guy. I didn't deserve him.

"Oh are you kids an item now?" Marissa interrupted. "Awwww that's so cute! Ashy babes, aren't they just adorable?" I legit nearly punched her right there.

Ash rolled his eyes and sent Marissa a look. "Yeah, I suppose." He caught my eye and gave me a blank stare.

I sent Marissa a glare. "You do know there's plenty of room right next to Ash?" The whole log was free but she decided to plant her annoying ass on him.

She gazed at him. "I know, but we're so in love, we just love being close to one another."

Ash gave her a fake smile and gazed lovingly at her. "I just long to be near her every second of every day."

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