Tomatoes and Tyres

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My ears were attacked as soon as I got home. They were literally dying from the god awful sound coming from the living room. I opened the door to find my sister, Helena shaking her ass in the middle of the room, whilst screaming along with the girly voice of Justin Bieber. I walked straight up to the stereo and shut it off before my ears really did melt.

Helena stopped dancing and turned to glare at me. "Hey, I was listening to that!"

"Not anymore you aren't." I looked over and saw Helena's blonde friend, Kelly sitting on the sofa checking herself out in a mirror. Kelly Davis was one of the most self-obsessed people I have ever met. At the mument she was wearing an incredibly short purple dress and her face was caked with god knows how much make up. She's most of the reason for my sister becoming a complete airhead.

I mentally cringed at my sister's choice of clothes. She was my complete opposite in the looks department. She was currently wearing a short pink skirt and a white halter top. I on the other hand was wearing dark ripped jeans and a green band t-shirt. Us being half sisters meant that we hardly even looked related as I got most of my features from my father. She had light brown, shoulder length hair and had my mum's hazel eyes. I on the other hand had dark hair and icy blue eyes.

Kelly stood up and stepped in front of me. I hated that even though she was a year younger than me, she was a head taller than me. "We were here first, so you can scoot."

I laughed at her choice of words. "Well let's see... you're in my house, so maybe you should do a bit of scooting and piss off out of here." Seriously, I had no idea where the hell she came up with "scoot".

She glared at me. "No need to be so antisocial."

"I am not antisocial. I just don't like you."

She let out a fake gasp. "I think I'm going to cry."

"Good. It might remove the mountain of crap slapped on your face," I said, referring to her make up.

Kelly flicked her long blonde hair over her shoulder. "At least I look good; you're just an ugly freak." Good one.

"So is your mum," I said with a smirk.

Her face scrunched up in confusion. "My mum is not ugly."

I groaned at her stupidity. "If brains where rain, you'd be a dessert." I think I only managed to confuse her more as she was clearly having a hard time trying to figure out what I meant.

After thinking long and hard, she finally realized what I meant. "I just got that you little bitch!"

"Don't let your mind wander - it's too little to be let out alone," I said with a small smile playing on my lips. I always found it fun to get Kelly worked up as she was one of the bitchiest girls I'd ever met.

Helena frowned. "Dotty, stop harassing my friend."

Kelly looked even angrier when Helena said this. "I don't need your help against your pathetic sister."

I kind of felt sorry for my sister, even if we hardly talked anymore. Her best friend was a total bitch toward her. What kind of a friendship was that? It made me even more grateful that I had Sam as a best friend.

Helena turned red with embarrassment. "I was only trying to help..."

"Well you're not, so shut up," Kelly hissed.

"Well aren't you the nicest friend," I said sarcastically.

"At least Helena has friends unlike her loner sister," she said smugly.

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