Bow Chika Bow Wow

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Chapter 13- Bow Chika Bow Wow 

"Adam and Helena, you're joking?" Sam whispered loudly to me as we sat in class while my teacher rambled on at the front.

I nodded my head. "I caught them in bed. It was the vilest sight I've ever encountered." I shuddered at the image I had plastered in my mind.

"That takes awkward to another level, but I have to agree with Adam though, Helena is hot." Sam yelled out in pain as I whacked him across the arm. Mr Andrews turned around and gave us a warning look then turned back to the board.

Sam glared at me whilst rubbing his arm. "That was uncalled for and that really really hurt."

"Stop whining Samantha." I smirked, sticking my tongue out at him.

He ignored me and changed the subject. "So how did you get home after the party? You just disappeared." 

I hesitated for a second and then answered. "Ash picked me up"

He raised an eyebrow. "As in your uncle Ash? I didn't realise you two were so close."

"We're not," I said too quickly. I think I'd had enough Ash for one day. When I'd woken up this morning, I was relieved to find that he was no longer passed out in my room. I also realised that I was no longer on the floor but tucked up nicely under the covers in my bed. At least he was good for something. I wondered if he even remembered why he was in my room in the first place. He was completely gone last night.

"I like Ash, he's a cool dude," Sam randomly.  

"Shut up Sam."

"Hey it's not my problem if you don't like him. Although I don't understand why you wouldn't, why is it that you hate him again?"

I had to find away to get Sam to stop asking questions about Ash, I couldn't deal with having a whole conversation revolving around that guy. "So Pamela..."

I didn't have to say anything else. All talk about Ash was forgotten as Sam began gushing over how hot Pamela looked at the party. I sighed with relief and zoned out as I pretended to listen to Sam babble on.

When lunch finally rolled around, I frantically ran to the cafeteria, ignoring all the looks I was getting. I was in desperate need of food. The last time I'd eaten anything was a whole hour ago. That torturous hour had my tummy making all sorts of funny noises.

Don't worry tummy, just a little bit longer.

As I power walked towards the ridiculously long lunch line, I sighed with relief when I spotted Adam near the front. I skipped up to him and hugged him from behind, disrupting his conversation with a guy I hadn't seen before. After I removed my arms he turned around and smiled down at me.

"What was that for, I thought you hated me?"

I smiled widely. "You saved me from collapsing from starvation. Have you seen how freaking long this queue is. I would have been waiting for years. I think I can get over you and Helena, I just don't want to see or hear about it ever again"

"You're a very forgiving person when food is involved." 

It was true. Food completely changed my mood. 

"I'm touched that you are only using me for food."

I gave him a guilty look and finally noticed the guy standing behind Adam. He was currently talking to a group of girls who had just appeared out of nowhere. I had to admit, he was incredibly attractive. His dark brown hair was styled upwards and his cheekbones were unreal. I would give him an eight out of ten on the Dotty scale because I didn't like his shoes. It was his eyes that caught my attention though. Those green eyes seemed so familiar. I was sure I'd seen them before.

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