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-"I thought that we agreed that no presents." He spoke and I looked at him with my arms crossed.

-"Says the guy who brought me a beautiful wooden box with the most beautiful meaning ever?" I asked and he laughed.

-"Ok fine." He said calming me with his hands.

-"Here you go." I said handing him his present.

He opened his eyes widely.

-"Oh mein gott." He said receiving his gift.

-"You like it?" I asked and he had his eyes very opened and then started laughing.

-"Really? A fish?" He asked laughing.

-"Ja, It will make you company and it will learn you how to deal with responsibilities outside the field." I said smiling.

He looked at me with a big smile that warmth my heart, then he looked at the fish and approached the fishbowl to his face and smiled widely.

-"I've never had a fish before." He said touching the glass softly.

He looked so cute holding the fishbowl, he seemed like a little boy with a new toy.

-"I'll call him woodyinho." He said proudly.

I laughed.

-"I think it's a great name honey." I said and kissed him and he smiled.

-"Danke, I love it. It's the best gift ever." He said grinning.

-"I am glad you like it." I said caressing his forearm.

-"Ok but you haven't finished opening your present." He said placing the fishbowl on my table.

-"Open the box." He said and I looked at him confused.

I opened the box and found two tickets for Sam Smith concert, I opened my eyes and mouth widely.

-"OH MY GOD." And screamed.

He started laughing.

-"Oh my god, are we going to Sam smith's concert?" I asked so excited he nodded in response smiling widely.

-"Yes we are." He said and I wrapped him between my arms kissing him. I swear that in this moment I love him.

-"Thank you so much, Oh my god this is great." I said eagerly.

-"I am happy that you like it – He said grabbing my hand – So shall we?" He asked.

-"What? What do you mean"? I asked looking to the tickets

The tickets had today's date.

-"But here says that it's today – I said raising my look to see him, he was grinning – november 23" I said and he nodded.

-"Ja, and the time says 7:30 pm and it's in Hagen so we should be going now." He said clapping his hands a bit.

I smiled and wrapped him again between my arms and kissed him.

-"Thank you so much. I can't stop saying thanks, sorry" I said and looked at him. I wanted to screamed that I loved him but I changed my mind at the last minute.

He laughed.

-"You're welcome my love." He answered giving me a peck.

-"Let me grab my coat." I said and he nodded.

-"Can I feed him?" He asked watching his fish.

-"It's ok they already fed him on the shop." I said caressing his back.

-"You can only feed him once a day, ok? If you overfeed him, he'll die." I said and he made a puppy face.

-"Ok fine, let's go." He said grabbing my hand and we did our way out.


The whole way to Hagen we listened Sam Smith, he even sang a few songs and it was fun. We arrived to the place and didn't had to wait on the queue because since Marco is like a well known public person, the guards let him pass straight to our seats. Our seats were V.I.P, he even took care of that so I could enjoy my first concert ever.

-"Thank you for this, I love it." I said with his hand on mine.

-"I know. You told me that you've never been to a concert, so I had to fix that." He said kissing my hand.

-"You're very observant" I said and kissed him.

He kept quiet looking at me, we were sitting on our seats and he leaned to be closer to me.

-"Before I met you, I was an asshole and you were totally right about me, I deserved every single thing you did to me." He started, he looked regretful.

-"I hated the fact that among all the girls I could have, the one I wanted actually hated me because of the way I am. You weren't interested in what I had or what I did, you weren't interested because I was a shitty human being and I wanted you to be interested in me." His eyes looked so filled with sadness right now, they weren't green, were actually kind of dark.

-"I realize that you were right and that I needed to change, I couldn't keep being this way anymore." He said looking down.

-"I am sorry, for everything I did wrong, I was on the blue. I needed some guidance, some direction and you gave it to me Paulina" He said grabbing my hands and looking at me now.

-"I am a better person when I am with you, and that's all thanks to you." He said kissing my hands.

I was frozen, I never thought that he would be able to recognize that in front of me. I felt my heart melting.

-"Thank you. Thank you for making me a better man." He said softly.

-"You don't have to thank me. You are an incredible human being, you just didn't know it." I said and caress his cheek. He closed his eyes when felt my touch.

-"I just hope you like the concert." He said smiling and I smiled back.

A few minutes later Sam Smith came out to the stage and all the people started screaming and shouting his name and the names of the songs. I felt the rush taking over my body and started to shout as well. The music started and I felt his hands wrapping around my waist and his warm breath brushing my ears.

-"Can I lay by your side?" He was singing to me to the rhythm of the song.

I closed my eyes and lifted my hands to caress his neck.

"I love you." I whispered and he turned around to me and grabbed my face between his hands.

"I love you more. Happy anniversary." He said kissing me and my heart raced.


The end.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2015 ⏰

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