"Right shoulder" I more than shout to Jason through mind link

Jason's eyes meet mine for a split second as in 3 lighting fast moves Jason tears a chunk from the black wolfs right shoulder spitting it out with a growl as the black wolf loses balance from the sudden weakness as his front right leg gives way he hits the ground hard, not missing a beat Jason locks his jaws around its neck snapping it and dropping his kill to the ground.

Fallen moon begin to howl some snapping there jaws in anger with growls heard across through there trained line the stomping of paws creating the ground to shake, but they do not move they don't even move forward an inch I look back at my pack warriors as they stand tall barring the teeth with growls matching with the same intensity, the fighters have all shifted into wolf form but remain behind the wall of warriors I look up to the alphas finding it only us 3 who are still in human form

"This doesn't change a thing alpha west" alpha Hanes says with a bit of hesitation

"You will soon learn alpha Hanes that I am a man of my word" He says in his silky sweet voice .. Wait what, shit, I shake my head to what I was just feeling than I still, as I feel both there gazes apon me

"Mia I am sad to see you go, you were a great asset to my pack and know that you will always have a home here" he says as if he's trying to tell me something

I return him with a smile at the same time being cut off by a low growl from alpha west

"it's time to leave" alpha west steps forward at the same time I step back holding my gaze to the ground

"Mia" alpha west says with no emotion present.

just as my name leaves his lips I feel a wave of emotions flow over me surprisingly fear not being one of them.

I don't move, my body feels heavy like I'm stuck.

"I'm sorry Mia but it's time to go, keep your head up .. I love you" James voice is softly spoken

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I can't think straight as all I can smell is my mates scent flowing around me as if luring me towards him beckoning me to the dark side,
Bringing me to his gates of hell.

"Goodbye James" I push out as I look up at his wolf

I give him a small smile and with out a look or even a word to my mate I step towards the wolves from fallen moon as I take my steps slow, thinking every movement through.

"Keep your phone on Jason" I mind link without looking back

"For you always Mia" Jason speaks just as softly as James

Dam these boy are going to make me cry but I'm using every bit of strength to keep it together with all these emotions my wolf is restless just wanting to go hug her mate and show him how much she loves him. She's blind to the dark aura that surrounds him.

I approach the wolves standing so obediently there's eyes look down on me but I no longer see the vicious glares or the emptiness I have witness all morning but just guarded curious eyes as they watch me walking towards them.

I turn to see alpha west shaking hands with alpha Hanes he than goes to turn but before he moves he catches Jason's eyes and to my surprise he gives Jason a nod of acknowledgement, I wonder what that meant as Jason did not move a muscle in return.

I watch alpha west begin to walk the short distance I have already covered and stops just in front of me I make the stupid mistake as I look up into his eyes,

it hits me with full force my body is covered in tingles and as fast as it came it was gone leaving me staring at the darkest eyes I have ever seen they hold no emotion just these black dark pits from hell looking back at me he doesn't move or give off any indication that he felt what I did. His body standing with so much assurance like he hasn't a care in the world but looking at him carefully I can notice he's standing stiff.

I look to the ground thinking how am I going to do this I look back up and he's just staring at me his soft black hair in slight curls hang around his face his dark skin is covered in scars some looking more recent than others his broad shoulders standing tall and strong he looks like a fallen angel every feature on him is perfect. His eyes move slightly into a glare that if I wasn't looking into his soulless holes on his head I would have missed it. I look back to the ground and take a deep breath.

"Are you finished" he says sounding irritated

I frown at his words to me, keeping my eyes on the ground because I don't have the nerve to look into those dark eyes again. The feeling makes my wolf wine. I just ignore her as i rub my hands together touching my ring.

"I am considering I never wanted it to start" it just rolled right out of my mouth

He growls lowly and turns towards the members of his pack as they part way letting him walk through.

I stand there shitting myself that I just spoke like that to an alpha and it being alpha west of all people, I really need to try if this will ever work.

I take in a deep breath and with one last look at my pack as they all look up watching the scene before them I give one small smile as I take a mental picture of the last time I will see them for awhile.... I hope this will not be the last.

I turn to follow alpha west through the wall of demon dogs, I chuckle to myself about my thoughts which gained me a few odd looks from the wolves I'm walking past.

We make it out by our territory line and cross over onto no mans land.

all I've been looking at is alpha west back as he walks ahead of me leading the pack In some direction, the pace is fast but I'm keeping up with not much effort to it,

I look around at the wolves surrounding me not one has come near me, leaving a 5 m gap surrounding me in all directions. It's like I have my own mini invisible force field. I decide to see if it's on purpose as I lean my walk to the right as the wolves on my right follow my step and I still have the same gap as before, I try to my left ... Yep defiantly on purpose I chuckle to myself .

Suddenly I bash into a wall making millions of sparks run across my body everywhere I was hit, I stumble back as two hands shoot out and steady my un even balance before they snap back away from me. fuck, asshole he clearly saw me not looking where I was going considering he was facing me. I look up at him with a are u seriously blind look on my face.  Which I instantly drop by the murderess expression he's holding.

"We're here" is all he says

I look ahead and see cars lots of cars there would have to be about at least 35 black SUVs parked neatly in a line

He still looking down at me though this time he's back to showing no emotion but I'm beginning to get the feeling he's not as violent as everyone made him out to be, or I could be wrong and the mate bond is making me see things that aren't really there.

He gestures to a car that pulls up right in front of us I look over at all the wolves shifting back behind the cars than appearing in human form wearing shorts. The men are Huge there all around Jason's size some a little more solid not one of them look our way as I hear doors slamming and people jumping into the cars as they start up.

He's waiting with the door open just looking at me still with no emotion, I am his mate does he really feel nothing?
I look away with a frown and jump into the car and scoot to the far side as he climbs in after me.

I turn to stare out of my window not liking the closeness of my mate and The tension flowing off of him. If I could disappear right now I would, I would gladly do so, my wolf does a wine but she stays calm as my mate is only a seat away from us.

I see the cars start to make a move as the driver jumps back in the front seat and with out a word he begins to drive just blending in to the sea of moving cars.

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