"He's still coming back in!"

"Are you kidding me? Wait I have an idea. Next time you shoot I'll stomp on the gas so hang on."


Ron waited again until the zombie presented a good mass of its body.

"Get ready! Here we go!"

Ron fired the shotgun. Ernie floored it. The old truck lurched forward and as the zombie fell back its hand reached for the tailgate and missed. Ron yelled.

"Woo hoo! He's gone."

"That's great kid but keep your eyes peeled. I'm sure that's not the last of them."

They continued on that way into town. Ron had to shoot four more zombies but none of them made it into the truck bed. As they came near to the gun shop they saw an old man on the roof picking off zombies with a sniper rifle. They parked and got out of the truck. As they approached the store the old man yelled from above.

"Welcome to Teddy's Gun Shop. Don't worry about them zombies. I've got your six. Just make sure you buy something. You're going to need it for the ride home. Glad you made it this far."

"Yeah you're not kidding. Thanks!"

They walked into the story to find a long line to the counter.

"Wow I kind of thought no one would be here," Ron said.

They got in line and waited. Twenty five minutes later they were next in line. From here they were able to see the selection available. All that seemed to be left was a large collection of small caliber handguns and rifles. Ernie nudged Ron.

"Kid, these aren't going to be enough to take down robots or more than a few zombies."

"I know. I know this guy. He might be saving some stuff in the back. Let me talk to him."

The man in front of them paid and held his new rifle close.

"Ron! What's up man? Oh man we're not running the course right now dude, I'm sure you've seen why. Who's your friend?"

"Yeah. Real zombies invading our little town. This is Ernie, look man we're going to need..."

"Oh man it's so crazy right? Nice to meet you Ernie. Man I hired my little brother Kyle to come in and sit in the back filling magazines so we can sell them pre loaded for an extra fee. That on top of all the sales we've had today, well we've made enough we could close the place down for a couple months you know? It's been incredible, well other than the fact that there's zombies running around outside. You seen Teddy?"

"Yeah listen..."

"Teddy's been on the roof sniping all day making sure our customers are able to get into the shop. I think it's the most fun he's had since he got his first bb gun for Christmas when he was like 7 or whatever."

"Yeah I've heard that story. We saw him up there when we drove in. Look man we're kind of in a hurry. We need some guns and I'm not seeing anything that suits our needs behind the counter. Have you sold all your good stuff?"

Stan looked around at the customers waiting in line. When he spoke it was loud enough for most of the store to hear.

"Yeah what you see is what we have my friend. It's selling out fast so make your selection while we still have inventory."

Then he leaned in close to Ron.

"I wish I could help you but I can't be seen pulling out what little of the good stuff I have left without charging you an arm and a leg for it. I'm sorry man. We're friends and I really want to help you but I can't have a mob on my hands."

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