Honestly, I really don't want to be taking pictures at the moment because I just got off of like a seven hour flight and I didn't even put makeup on this morning, but oh well I guess. As the crowd thinned out, I got to actually chat with a few of the fans. One of them actually was an amputee like myself, only his leg was cut off due to this rare disease he had or something. He kept thanking me for being his inspiration for never giving up. It nearly brought tears to my eyes.

I can't believe that just by making videos on YouTube, I impact people's lives so much. The idea just makes my head spin. It's just incredible that I can change lives with every video I upload.

Of course I got the boys' Twitter, his name was Bruce by the way, and I promised to follow him and what not. Actually, this one experience crossed something off my list; change a life. I thought that that one was going to be the hardest to do, but apparently not.

"Can we go now?" Zoe asks, pointing at the car that pulled up for us I assume. We didn't get to talk to everyone, but I guess that it's okay. I mean, all of them most likely have tickets to get into Playlist to see most of us anyways.

We all agree with her and hurry over to the car. The boys who were holding my bags throw them in the boot before joining the rest of us. I'm the first in the car, and I almost shit my pants when I open the door. Inside, Connor is sitting there pulling a weird face. I put my hand up to my heart and smile.

"You scared the hell out of me!" I complain to him as we both laugh. I then get in the car and sit in the third row on the right side. Zoe comes and sits next to me along with Alfie. Great, I'm a third wheel now.

Apparently everyone else knew of Connor's plan to surprise me. I really didn't care though because I was just tired and wanted to take a nap at my hotel before the pre party thing tonight.


"So now I'm here at the hotel, well, I got here like five hours ago, but I decided to take a four hour nap and I may be running behind schedule a bit," I say to my vlog camera, "I'm think I'll film more at the party which I'm supposed to be at in an hour. I need a quick shower though and to get ready. So I'll see you all again in the next clip!" I turn my camera off and set it down on my unmade bed before going into the massive bathroom and turning the shower on.

My nap was great by the way. I feel super refreshed actually.

If you're thinking to yourself, "she has an hour to get ready and thinks she'll be late?" yes I could be late because it sort of takes longer to shower and get ready with one arm and no one there to help you. It's possible, but it just takes some time.

Before undressing to shower, I check my phone to see a few missed calls from Harry. Oops. I quickly unlock my phone and immediately call him back.

"Hey love," he says tiredly. I bet he was sleeping.

"Hi! Sorry I missed your calls, I was sleeping. How was your day?"

He hums, "No problem. My day was busy, y'know getting ready for the tour and all that," I hear shuffling on the other end and assume he's sitting up in bed or something.

"Is your flight to Los Angeles tomorrow?"

"Yeah. Anyways, what are you up to tonight?"

I step into the bathroom as I speak to him, "Just getting ready to go out to this pre party thing."

"When's the party?"

"In like an hour," I answer him whilst setting out towels for myself.

He sighs, "I think I better leave you to it then. Call you tomorrow?"

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