"Really?" I quirked an eyebrow, "Then what were you doing?"

A dull silence dawned over to two of us, a small chuckle bubbling from my lips as Derek continued to narrow his eyes into small slits.

It wasn't long before Stiles magically re-appeared from the doorway. Derek lunging towards the pale boy as he shoved him roughly up against a wall.

I jumped up from my previous position, putting my hands outward hesitantly.

"Alright boys, let's not brutally kill one another, okay?"

They ignored my statement, Derek beginning to spark conversation. Or should I say, starting to spit out harmful threats.

"If you say one word-"

"What?" Stiles remarked, smirking slightly, "Like hey dad, Derek Hale is in my room bring your gun?"

Derek kept silent. Watching Stiles intensely. It almost looked as if he was attempting to look into the boys soul, wanting to trace a lie lingering throughout his words. But, he had found none.

"Yeah, that's right. If I'm harboring your fugitive ass it's my house my rules buddy."

Derek hesitantly backed away, swallowing noticeably as he carefully fixed the collar to Stiles' shirt. He attempted to do the same, but Derek wanted no part of that. For he jumped at the boy, scaring him immensely. Stiles muttering a quite audible, "Oh my god."

An unwanted laugh emitted from my lips, I earned myself a over exaggerated glare from you-know-who.

"So, Scott didn't get the necklace?" Derek asked, the whole threatening Stiles conversation diluting almost instantly.

"He's still working on it, but there's something else we can try."

Derek remained silent, merely standing in the center of Stiles' room with his arms crossed. Trying his best to look the utmost intimidating.

"The night we were trapped in the school Scott sent a text to Allison telling her to meet him there." Stiles opened his laptop, his teeth clambering onto his lower lip.

I sighed, plopping back down to my previous position, also known as Stiles' bed. Reopening my chemistry textbook, I began jotting down pointless notes onto lined notebook paper.


"So he didn't send that text." I cut in on the conversation, my eyes not leaving my homework. "You broke his phone, remember?"

"Can you find out who send that text?" Asked Derek.

"We can't, but I think I know someone who can."


"So you want me to do what?"

Stiles thought it would be a splendid idea to invite Danny over, in hopes of tracing the text. I wasn't aware of how intelligent Danny was, for he was usually just one of the kids I happened to say hey to in the hallways. Or who asked me how much longer until class ended.

But, evidently the teenager was smart with technology. Hopefully he would be able to see who sent the text, as well as not getting suspicious about the supernatural.

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