Chapter 8

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I DO NOT OWN TEEN WOLF. Only Melanie and her plot lines.

I stood off to the side of the Hale house, fiddling absentmindedly with the loose strings of my jacket as cool air blew my hair softly. It was funny that I was here just a few hours ago, last night. I remember vividly peeling out of the dark woods in Stiles' extremely loud jeep. If anyone happened to be there, they would have heard us. For the pale boy's vehicle reminds me of a jet engine.

But, I wasn't here to dig up a dead body or discover the many hidden secrets of Derek Hale. I was here to attend an arrest.

"Stiles." I looked over at him. His hands were planted deeply in his pockets and his eyes were burning holes in the back of Derek's head. Who was currently being shoved roughly into a police car. "Why are you wearing a blazer?"

He glanced down briefly, adjusting the collar of the hilarious looking jacket, "Cause it's cool."

I nodded my head and crossed my arms, a soft chuckle bubbling from my mouth. "Mhmm."

"What? You don't think it's cool-" his sentence was cut short by Scott darting his head in our direction. An ocean of guilt whirling through his eyes.

"Was this a bad idea?"

"Scott, do I ever come up with bad ideas?" Stiles stated, raising a questioning eye brow.

I bit my lower lip in order to keep myself from bursting out into continuous laughter. Almost everything that boy gets us into results in a near death experience, or Mr. Stilinski scolding us while we were seated in the back of a police car.

Scott let out a worried whimper, squeezing his eyes shut. "Was that suppose to be re-assuring? Because that was definitely not re-assuring, Stiles."

The clumsy boy shook his head vigorously while pointing towards the police car. "I'm going over to him."

"No." Scott yelled.

He did nothing but chuckle, taking his hands out from his pockets and beginning to step forward.

"Stiles wait-"

But, the boy was already long gone. His hand on the hood of the vehicle as he hesitantly began to slide in. I let out an annoyed huff, giving Scott one last glance before sprinting after Stiles.

"Melanie!" Scott practically screamed. Causing me to let out a colourful word in fear of someone looking my way. But, I was thankfully ignored, and already to the authorized vehicle.

"Mel, what are you doing here? You're going to get yourself in trouble." Stiles whispered frantically as I poked my head into the car.

"Im here to see what the heck your doing?" I hissed, making sure no one was looking my way before squeezing into the very small passenger seat.

"Extreme questioning." He clarified, turning his gaze back on Derek. Who was silently watching us, a permanent scowl plastered about his face. "Just so you know, I'm not afraid of you."

"Really?" I chuckled sarcastically.

Derek did nothing but shuffle a bit in his seat, causing Stiles to jump, flailing his arms. Almost hitting me square in the nose. But, still earning himself a quiet yet noticeable laugh from me.

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