Chapter 2

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I DO NOT own Teen Wolf, only Melanie and a few of her plot lines.

Lily Collins as Melanie


My eyes reluctantly yanked themselves agape to the sound of Scott' perpetual yelling, causing me to emit a disheveled groan.

"Melanie? Melanie!"

I sat up timidly with a sharp pounding thumping throughout my head, coughing slightly due to the small cloud of dust dissipating around our frantic bodies. "What the—what happened?"

"Oh thank god, you're okay. Stiles would have killed me."

I chuckled with the utmost sarcasm, patting my sweatshirt to get rid of the small partials of dirt clambering onto the grey cloth, "I feel the love."

"We need to get out of here." Scott paused, averting his eyes from me alongside glancing around the eerie woods. "We're definitely not alone."

I nodded, wincing immensely as I picked myself up off the soiled ground. The stray dark branches emerging from the tree offered me lots of help in order to get up, Scott graciously giving assistance as well.

I attempted to not ponder too much about the fact that we may get killed in a matter of seconds. Minutes, if we were being completely logical. For, I wasn't exactly sure as to what had just practically thrown itself at us. All that I was aware of was the continuous beating of a drum echoing about my temples.

"You good?" The teenager beside me questioned, erratically scoping out the area.

"I think my back is bruised a bit but, I think so. You?"

"Yeah, but I think that thing like, bit me.." Scott grimaced. I arched an eyebrow. Becoming him to carry on. And, he did so. Raising his shirt and jacket, both of us catching a glimpse at the disgusting, bloody bite on his side.

To give everyone a closer insight as to what I had just witnessed, it was a large hole located in Scott's lower abdomen. Blood emitted from the gash as well as gruesome flesh teared upon the sides. A reasonable conclusion being that I was scarred.

My eyes widened, my petite hand clamping over my mouth, "What? We need to get to a hospital Sc–"

"No!" The floppy haired boy cut me off, letting out an inhuman sound while flailing his arms, much like Stiles. "I'll be grounded until I die. My mom thinks I'm home sleeping!"

I shut my eyes briefly, attempting to get ahold of myself. Rethinking all my life decisions in which led to me being friends to these idiots. Whom believe going on a nightly hike through the woods is a grand idea. Especially if there's a body lying around somewhere.

"Ok—ok then we just need to get home."

"How?" He frowned, apprehensively lowering his clothing. The bite now no longer visible, thankfully. I mean, I was worried about Scott and all, but I could easily be concerned without staring at oozing blood and distasteful skin.


"His dad would never let him out this late. Especially after the whole 'finding a dead body thing.' He's probably on lockdown." sighed Scott, we had started walking. To where? I'm not that all completely certain.

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