Chapter 18

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I DO NOT OWN TEEN WOLF. Only Melanie and her plot lines.


I merely stood by Stiles' blue jeep in front of the school, patiently awaiting Derek's dramatic arrival.

I was apparently here, along with Scott and Stiles, to break into the school. So Scott could get to the intercom, howl into it, and signal the alpha. All because they wanted to see if Scott was linked to the terrifying monster. Which sounded extremely dangerous, insane, and stupid.

I hadn't attended school for the past few days, so Scott and Stiles were struggling to catch me up on everything that had occurred. As for the extremely odd and uncomfortable conversation Stiles and I had in his car a few days ago, I attempted to forget about it. Mainly because I don't want Stiles to think I like him, and screw up our friendship. As for Stiles, he seemed to not mention it. Probably figuring that I was just PMSing, or the pain meds were effecting me oddly.

"Okay so, Stiles. You thought you could train Scott yourself? So you stole coaches phone and attempted to control his heart rate?"

"Yeah." Scott chuckled, easily answering for him, "We also found out that Allison is my anchor."

I smirked, security folding my arms, "So, pno more ignoring her?"

"No more ignoring her." He restated my question, a large, overwhelming smile sitting on his face.

"Well looks like you guys had an eventful day. I sat in bed." I grinned, nodding at them with a laugh.

"Well, we missed you." Stiles genuinely smiled, "I was worried about you."

"Pshh, seriously more like wouldn't shut up about you." Scott chuckled as the pale boy hit him firmly in the right shoulder. "But yeah, it's weird not having the annoying Melanie around."

I smiled sarcastically at him, rolling my eyes dramatically for effect, "love you too."

As if on que, Derek's black Camaro pulled up in the schools parking lot. The engine making its signature sound as the three of us conversed quietly, before Derek could depart his vehicle.

"This is a terrible idea." Stiles scolded, narrowing his eyes at the teen wolf.

I rose my hand mockingly, stepping closer to the two boys, "Yeah–I second that statement."

"Well what else do you want me to do?" Asked Scott, glaring at the both of us for annoyingly teaming up on him.

Stiles simply shrugged, "Well personally, I'm a big fan of ignoring a problem until it goes away."

I snatched the yellow bolt cutters from Stiles' hands, holding them cautiously out in front of me. "We're using these to break into school?" I asked, "Who breaks into school?"

My sentence was cut short by Derek smoothly strolling out of his car, attired in his usual leather jacket along with the permanent scowl contorting his grim features. The werewolf rose a curious eyebrow, pointing a threatening finger out in front of him, "What is she doing here?"

"I wanted to help." I stated, handing the bolt cutters back to Stiles. Not wanting to be questioned about the odd tool.

"Where's my boss?" Questioned Scott, raising a demanding eyebrow.

Derek sighed, "In the back."

Our gaze all shifted to Deaton, tied up in the back of Derek's oddly serial killer vibed car. It looked as if Deaton had committed a crime, and he had been roughly arrested. Actually, it looked more like a kidnapping.

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