Chapter 7

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I DO NOT OWN TEEN WOLF. Only Melanie and her plot lines.

I bounced uncomfortably in the backseat of Stiles' jeep, awaiting Derek's departure from his burnt home, and he was definitely taking his time.

"When is he going to leave." I frowned, pursing my lips. "We've been waiting here forever."

"You wanna go home?" Stiles asked, his hands sliding across the smooth steering wheel.

"No. I'm impatient." I crossed my legs absentmindedly, "Not a quitter."

And sure enough, a few incredibly long seconds later, the familiar black car had sped off. Leaving the three of us alone, in the dark woods.

The mere feeling that had overcome me when Derek exited the house was enough to make my entire body shudder. I wasn't exactly in the mood nor prepared for what we were about to get ourselves into. But, it seemed as if I didn't have much time to contemplate our actions. For Stiles was already bouncing in his seat unnervingly.

"Let's go find us a dead body." He smiled widely, pulling up closer to Derek's and swiftly leaping out the car. Scott wasting no time before following after. Although he seemed a bit more hesitant, whereas Stiles was practically jumping with joy.

I sighed uneasily, glancing sceptically at the two shovels beside me. I laughed to myself, mentally putting a note in my head to make sure the two boys are the ones that are forced to dig. And not me. For I was not getting inside a hole to dig up a lifeless corpse. It wasn't on my to-do list.

I hopped out the car with ease, waisting no time before chucking the two garden tools at the clumsy boys.

"Have fun." I smiled widely, plopping onto the ground with a thud. Particles of dust arising from my jeans. Yet, that was currently the least of my worries.

"Hey, she's not helping?" Scott whined, looking over at Stiles.

"Oh no, she's helping." Said Stiles, clumsily tossing me a flashlight, in which almost hit my face. "She's just on flashlight duty."

I groaned, flipping the switch to the flashlight and shinning it towards Stiles' eyes. He flailed his arms drastically and collapsed backwards. I smirked, admiring how hilarious and somewhat cute it was when the pale boy had fallen backwards. And yes, I'm aware I thought the word cute. But, like, in the friend way.

"Are you trying to blind me! I'm pretty sure that could blind me, I think I may just be blinded—" Stiles' ramble was soon cut short by Scott. The teenage boy's curious voice fulfilling the musty air.

"Wait. Something's different."

"Different how?" I asked, now averting the flashlight from Stiles' hazel eyes and onto Scott's chest.

"I don't know. . .let's just get this over with."

I nodded, not questioning it any further. I honestly just wanted this to be done with as quickly as possible. For I was not in the mood to have a nice long conversation with Derek Hale. That could possibly involve killing.

"Since this whole werewolf thing, I have not been getting much sleep lately." I yawned, putting my head in my hands, attempting to start somewhat of a conversation. Because this eerie silence really wasn't doing it for me.

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