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Saved as draft - 3/18/06

When I first handed my phone over to you, I was not considering the possibility that maybe that was a catastrophic idea. But don't worry - after you left that day, I spent a great deal of time thinking up possible catastrophic conclusions. (Side note: I should really rearrange the order of my thinking process.)

What I didn't spend much time on, however, was thinking up good conclusions. So I guess you could say that I was one lucky duck, considering I got one.

I know you were there and everything, and so was I, so there's no need to write this all to you. But still, I feel. . . I feel like all this time, writing you all those messages, helped me to sort out my feelings. Maybe that's corny. I don't know. Still, I'm going to write it all down and play it over and over in my head, so that it can really sink in. Today happened. Maybe this message will help that to wrap around my ridiculous brain.

It all started when I walked into the Belle Peinture this morning.

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