Megan winked at Ryan who shrugged her off, butterflies swarming in his stomach.

Dil's story was good so far.

Ryan was the main character. Everyone worked as nail artists but were actually secret spies. They were like Gumiho. They had secret evil powers and Ryan was trying to stop the other male character based off a better version of Dil. Everything was going swiftly.

They reached the shop and Dil and Ryan waved Megan goodbye.

"See you guys later." Megan waved, about to leave. As she turned around not looking where she was going, she accidentally bumped into Jin who was on his way inside too.

"Fuck sorry." Jin said quietly, helping Megan up. He stopped, eyes widening and jaw gaping slightly. He felt as if an angel had just entered his midst as cheesy as it sounded.

"Thanks." Megan laughed awkwardly, making her way back.

Jin stared in awe and ran to Dil straight afterwards. "Who was she?! Is she your girlfriend? Please don't let her be your girlfriend!"

Dil laughed, shaking his head. "She's just my close friend. She's taken." He lied. He knew Jin had some player qualities, like the way he would soothe girls and have them melting for him. He was not having his friend get with someone like that.

Jin slumped his shoulders. "WHYYY." He whined, moodily making his way inside. "He's lucky." He said to himself, referring to her non existent significant other.

Dil made his way inside also, quickly changing and getting to work. Today he was made to go back and forth making the tea and coffee, serving them to almost each and every guest. Although it wasn't much, almost anything could make him tired.

Dil finally got to sit down half way through work, knowing all the customers for now had been dealt with.

Kei glanced at Dil. "Bunny." He said loudly.

Dil quickly got up, rushing over to him. "Yes?"

"Do a favour for me." Kei stood up, walking over to the back room with Dil where the nail varnishes were. He gestured to a stack of big boxes.

"Stack these on this." He pointed at an empty shelf. "In colour order. I want it done before work ends."

Dil sighed with exaggeration. "But that will take ages!"

"I didn't know you were that lazy and useless." Kei said mindlessly.

Dil pointed a finger up as if posing for an inspirational picture. "Of course not! I'm no quitter, my parents did not raise me up to be one. You watch! I'm gonna do this so well you'll have to like me."

"Like you?" Said Kei.

"I know you hate me right now. Probably because you-" Dil quickly covered a hand over his mouth. He was about to reveal his conspiracies about Kei liking Ryan and being jealous of Dil. That was a close one.

"Never mind!" Dil said happily, shoving Kei away. "I'll have all this work done before you get back!"

Kei rolled his eyes, exiting the room.


The next two hours flew by as if a snail were dragging it along. Dil was stacking the nail polishes and in total there were about 100 each shelf. And there were shelves that reached the ceiling.

He was almost done when work was nearly finished. Ryan dropped by occasionally to pat his back and give him something to eat so that helped. Along with Jin who came in merely to ask about Megan and cheer Dil on for a few minutes when he felt like stopping.

Eventually, Kei returned. He stretched, yawning as he saw Dil still at work. Dil was standing on a chair which was on a few boxes, leaning over, head still far from touching the ceiling as he leant upwards to put the last few nail polishes on.

"Nice job." Kei interrupted, scaring Dil.

"Shit!" Dil jumped, quickly losing balance as the chair topped over. He ended up falling backwards, readying himself for a hard impact fall when something soft caught him.

Dil clenched his eyes shut. "Am I dead?" He said quietly, slowly opening his eyes to see Kei awkwardly holding Dil in his arms after catching him.

Kei quickly let go, hiding his face slightly.

Dil smiled sweetly. "Thank you for catching me Kei!"

Kei shook his head, leaving the room in a hurry, mumbling something to himself. Maybe he was angry he had so catch him, Dil thought to himself as he got back on the chair and finished stacking.

Once everyone was changed, Dil was ready to fall asleep for all eternity. He didn't really remember the walk home, it felt like a dream. All he knew was as soon as he trudged his way upstairs and finally made it to his room, he was knocked out in an instant as soon as his head hit the pillow.


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