no no no this can not be happening

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When I woke up I heard Brooklyn crying and screaming MIKEY I yelled
Half asleep. Nothing. Uggggh what the hell dude so I got up and checked Brooklyn and Bentley. Hey baby shhh it's okay. I said picking up Brooklyn and rocking her back and forth. I turned around to see if Bentley was asleep but he was gone. Maybe Micheal took him out or the boys. As I was rocking her Mikey came up. Hey Alexa he said walking in the room and sitting in the rocking chair. Hey um where's Bentley at? I asked looking at Brooklyn who was looking back and smiling at me. I was going to ask you the same question he said looking confused. What maybe the boy's got him I said tickling Brooks belly as she giggled. Um no cause I was with them the hole day. He said looking worried. Omygod so where is he then? I asked putting brook back in her crib I don't know he said hugging me what are we going to do about this he said panicking. we have to put up signs every were and call the police and me and the boys just have to go out and look for him. I said waking out of the room and walking in me and Mikey's room to get some clean clothes on, what happens if they can't find him? mikey asked walking over to me and hugged me from behind. then I will probably know were he's at then I said turning around so I was facing him and hugging him. were do you know were he would be if we can't fine him? mikey asked rubbing my back. cause you know Zach right? I asked looking up at him. how would I not forget the asshole who kidnaped my fiancé and my little baby girl. he said pissed. I laughed. babe he is the one you that kidnaped little benny I said with tear rolling down my cheek. ARE YOU SERIOUS ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS. he said letting go of me and walking away with his hands on his head. it was silent for a minute when I spoke up. im so sorry babe I said walking over to him and wrapping my arms behind him, get the hell away from me now he said with a mad deep voice. he never talks to me like that so I shook it off and just stand there for a couple minutes. WHAT THE FUCK I SAID GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME ALEXA, he said turning around so he was looking down at me, are you seriously yelling at me? I asked staring at him now. SEE MY LIFE WAS SO MUCH BETTER UNTILL YOU CAME ALONG. I REGRET PROPOSING TO YOU AND HAVING TO KIDS WITH YOU. he yelled out crying., is he being serious right now is he being serious. I was so mad now that I was on the edge of tears. YOU KNOW MY LIFE WAS GREAT UNTILL YOU CAME ALONG TO AND I FUCKING HATER YOUR BAND I WISH YOU NEVER EXISTED AND I WISH WE NEVER HAD KIDS AND MOST OF ALL I CAN'T BELIVED I SAID YES TOU YOU. I was now crying and Michaela was standing there shocked and hear I don't want this sense you regret it so here's your stupid ring back. I said taking it off and walking away from him. I didn't mean that Alexa please stay with me. he said grabbing my wrist. its to late mike you said it and its done. wants I get Bentley back im taking him and brook home with me. goodbye Michael I said jerking my arm and walking out of the room. I ran downstairs to see Ashton and the boys great. hey Alex are you okay cause we kinda herd what you Michael yelling about Ash said looking at me with sad and hurt. are you really going to take the kids home with you? luke asked looking sad to. yes im sorry guys but me and him are done for good I said playing with my nails. that what you said the last time you guys ware to gather. Calum said looking at all of us. im sorry guys but I can't do this anymore I just want my old life back I want my friends family and my brother back I didn't want to be here. but my brother sent me here im just done with this shit I said walking out and into the front yard. I was crying by now. so your just going to leave me and just have the kids. a low whisper said behind me. I knew that voice it was Michael. yes cause you want to say I regret proposing to me and that I didn't want the kids so were done for good. I said turning around to face him and just say here cause when I get benny back im coming to get Brooklyn and all my stuff. I said looking down at my feet. im sorry mike to ever fall in love with you im sorry that we had kids and im sorry that I loved you. I said walking away from him. as I was walking he was singing EVER SINCE THAT DAY THAT WE MET I COULDN'T GET YOU OUT OF MY HEAD THERE WAS ALWAYS SOMETHING ABOUT YOU EVERY CHANCE I GET FINDS A WAY TO END IN REGRET THERE WAS ALWAYS SOMETHING ABOUT YOU JEALOSY KEEPS CONTANING ME IN TIME YOU'LL SEE JUST WHA3T WE COULD BE IM ALWAYS TOO LATE IM ALAWYS TOO LATE SEE YPU BUT I ALWAYS SEE YOU BUT I ALAWYS HESITATE. i was froze cause he knows that i love that song so much. but why here and why now. pleas don't leave Alexa I didn't mean what I said I love you so fucking much just please don't leave me. he said holding my hands. im sorry mikey I just have to go I said pulling my hands back to my sides im so sorry Michael I said running away so he won't catch me was I running I slammed in a body they picked me up it was dark outside so I couldn't see. sorry Alexa I was looking for you, Calum said helping me up, thanks Calum I said dusting my self up. so you're just going to leave just like that
He said looking sad. Yes Cal I said looking up at him im sorry but I am and I just can't do this anymore I said crying and looking at him. look at me he said lifting my chin up. he love's you so much and your kids. he love's you with all his heart and he didn't mean to go off like that. he said still hugging me. thanks Cal but I have to go im sorry but I need to find Bentley. I said running away. as I was running I seen Ashton looking my way great another person try to stop me. I was running to him. why are you out hear Ash? I asked looking at him. he laughed a little why am I hear he said looking upset. Ugh I know what you're going to say. And I know he loves me so much and he has to see his kids. I said annoyed. that's right Alexa see we love you to death and Michael to but what im saying is that you to are just stressed out and just have to give each other space. he said.
I know Ash but I have to go I'm sorry I said crying while walking away. As u was walking I seen....

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