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As we got to the airport I was sad an just want to go back home but I knew if I would go back I would fall back in the same habits again like drinking partying and have one night stands but I'm trying to fight it cause I'm doing this for Connor Jc Kian And me cause I just don't want do that to my family.and friends so I hope this works and I come back a new person
As I was in deep thought I didn't here Jc calling me. Alex Alexa jc said. Oh huh? I said. I said are you okay cause u seem out of it today. Are you okay?
He said worried. Yes Jc I'm fine I'm just a little tired that's all. Okay just checking. Hey buddy I'm going to miss you so much I said as I was looking at Connor. I know Al ima miss you to. But hey remember what we said Skype and call everyday no matter what happens.okay he said okay. And I walked off to see kian.hey kiki hey Al so I just want to say that I'm going to miss you and your weird friendship. me to and you craziness. Haha thanks kian. Your welcome as we hugged the flightattendant came on . flight 159 to the uk is now boarding in 7 minutes the flight for the uk Is now I went back to the boys and said byes.I'm going to miss you my lil sis Connor said with tears in his's okay con as I hugged him it's going to be okay. Group hug jc said as we hugged I was crying by now and the boys are to we stayed like that when my plan got called the flight 159 is now boarding. This is it guys as I let go I'm really going to miss you guys. Where going to miss you to Alexa they all said bye and I walked of LOVE YOU ALEX I LOVE YOU Guys And that was it

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