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I woke up to see I was in a chair and I was tied up. Aye your finally awake a dude said. So I looked up and seen Zach smiling at me. Ugggh are you serious. What do you want zach and why did you kidnapped me for. I said looking at him. Well let's see cause I still love you Alexa so much see when we broke up well I been crying for day's Alex cause I miss you and I fucking love you okay and my girlfriend Hannah she doesn't drive me crazy like you used to do. He said seating next to me. So he was right in front of me. And when I heard that you have to kids I was broken he said looking at me. So that's why I have you.
Cause you put my kid up for adoption
He said with a sad face. Well because like I said you raped me and killed Nathan. I said looking at him. Cause I was mad and I was high okay I didn't mean it. He said looking down to the floor.crying. I didn't mean it alxea I didn't mean it. He said rocking back and forth. Well can I go back to my family cause uh they need me. I said trying to anti my hands. No sorry like I said I miss you and you're not leaving cause I love you so much Alexa. So much and I have you so you.
Can't leave me. He said getting up and to the door. Well if you still love me you would let me go. I said looking at him. No that's what I don't want to do. He said looking me dead in the eye. Your a jackass.I said rolling my eyes. And before I knew it I had a sting on my cheek. What the fuck why did you hit me for. I asked mad now.
Cause you're in my house. My house my rules and you do what I say or eles
He said pointing at me. Bite me I said annoyed. I love you to babe oh and Hannah will come in and anti your hands he said smiling and leaving. What a beotch. I said looking down in my Lap. I wonder what Micheal and the boys are doing? And I wonder what Connor thinks sense I was on the phone all that time. Well I Gauss it doesn't matter anyways sense I'm zach's bitch now. As I was talking to my self Hannah came in and stand in front of me. What are you going to do sense I'm tied up uh. I said looking up at her. Well let's see I'm not going to anything cause Zach told me to not do anything to you so I'm just here to untie you. She said uniting the rope's.
Don't try anything stupid Alexa. She said getting up so I was free. I won't I said getting up. Okay follow me she said walking to the door. This was my chance so I grabbed her hair and slung her at the wall. What the fuck. She said touching her head. So I ran as fast as I could go but Zach caught me. Aye I knew you was going to do that. What a bad girl. He said pulling my hair and dragging me to I Gauss his room. And I knew then he was going to rape me or spank me. As I was fighting to get him off me he slung me on the bed and start kissing me. Yup he's going to rape me.

confused love MC storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن