Christmas and first word

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So it's December and it's Christmas Eve and me and the boy's are going to Luke's house for dinner. COME ON GUYS WE HAVE 15 MINUTES. I yelled and soon came down what's the hurry damn. Mikey said in a grumpy voice. What's wrong with you grumpy? I asked while putting clothes on Brooklyn. Im not grumpy I'm just saying that's all he said wrapping his arms around my stomach. While I was changing her diaper. I heard a mumble. What did she say? Mikey asked laying his head on my shoulder. I don't know I said in confusion. What did you say baby girl? I asked still changing her diaper. D-d-daddy she said looking at Mikey o my good she said her first word I said smiling at Mikey. O my God I can't believe it he said smiling at me and her. Soon the Luke calum and Ashton came down. Guys you won't believe what just happened I said looking at Mikey. What is it Luke asked fixing his shirt.
Okay brook just said her first words Mikey said smiling at the boy's. Are you serious what did she say? Calum asked smiling at me and Mikey. She said daddy Micheal said pulling me in his chest what o my god that is adorable. Luke said walking in to the kitchen. I know so are you guy's ready to go Ashton asked holding Bentley. Yeah let's go I said walking to the door. Then let's go Mikey said holding brook and out the door to the van and buckling her in and Ashton did the same to Benny. When we got to Luke's house we all said our hey's. O my God you're so durn cute can I hold them Liz asked looking at me and Micheal with pleading eye's. Yeah sure you can I said shacking my head and smiling. Thank you she said holding them in her arms. ALEXA CAN YOU COME HERE PLEASE. Mikey yelled from the livingroom. OKAY JUST A SEC. I yelled back. I looked back at Liz he should realize that the kitchen is like cross the room I said laughing and looking at her. I know that how Lucas is. Liz said smiling and looking up at me. ALEXA HURRY UP Mikey yelled again. I'M COMING DAMN. I yelled again and walking to the living room. What do you want Miche- I was soon cut off by seeing a big poster that had big latters on it it read. ALEXA ELIZABETH FRANTA WILL YOU BE MY STAR'S TO MY MOON AND BECOMING MY WIFEY. I was in shock and happy. So what do you say? Mikey asked with worried in his voice
I'm so sorry Mikey but I don't know I'm so sorry Micheal I said with tears in my eyes and running out and in the front yard. What am I doing I just probably broke his Hart. Like yeah I just had two beautiful babies. And he never asked me out so is that you know what I don't care I'm just in shock what just happened. Alex are you okay? Liz asked rubbing my back yeah I'm just sad that I turned down a boy that just propose to me. I said looking at her. I know Mikey told me the day before he was going to do it. Liz said looking back at me. Oh I said looking down at my feet. But there's one thing you should know Liz said smiling at me. What I said playing with my bracelets. LUKE she yelled. Soon came Luke with Ashton that was holding brook and Benny. Hey guys I said smiling at them. Hey okay stay there redy Ashton Luke asked looking at him. I was beyond confused as in what the world are they doing. Ready he said. They put the babies on there feet what are yo- I was cut off by beeny and brook walking. Omygod there walking. Come Here I said waving my arms to me. Soon they both came to me. Wow you babies can walk now i said smiling at both of them. Hey guys do you know where Micheal is? I asked looking at all of them. Yeah he's upstairs in my room for some reason. Luke said in confusion. Thanks Luke I said giving brook and Ben back to Ash and Luke I walked back in side and upstairs. Micheal I said walking in the hall Mikey I know you're here Luke told me you was up here. I said opening a door but it was maybe Liz room. I shut the door and turn back around to see Mikey with a sad face. Hey Mike what's wrong? I asked walking to him slowly. Just the fact that my girlfriend doesn't want to be my Mrs Pokemon. He said looking dead at my face. I'm so sorry Micheal it's just that I was in shock and I. I said looking at him. We just had two kids and I just don't want to be rushed. I said looking at him with hurt and sadness. I know I'm an idiot. I'm so sorry but I love you so much Alexa and are kids so much I can't explain the way I love you three he said smiling at me and a tear running Down his face. I love you all so much you guys are my world. I said walking over to him and kissed his cheek where a tear rolled down. So what are we sen- I cut him off by kissing him with passion and love. So we're together then Micheal said leaning his head against my forehead.
Yeah a couple I said smiling at him and kissing his lips and went downstairs to see everybody at the bottom of the staircase. So I'm guessing that all of you herd that I said looking at them. They all looked at eachother and looked back at me and slowly nodded. Mmmm okay I said walking in the dinning room and sitting down. Soon everyone came and ate.

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