daddy's back

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Michael's prove~

Please Mikey it's been 6 months please wake up give me a sign that you are here I miss you so fucking much and Brooklyn to just please wake up. It was silent for a couple minutes. Wake up Micheal you can do this wake the fuck up. I said to my self. And I seen that I moved my hand to show her that I was back. She gasped Micheal she said looking at me shocked and happy she hugged me I'm so happy you alive I was so scared that I was going to lose you she said with a tear
Rolling out her eye. Look I'm alive and Hungary I said laughing. I hate you Micheal she said looking mad. Love you to I said looking at her with a smirk. It Is not funny Mike what happens if you never woken up huh and I was crying all the time and you will feel bad and you was up there. I said looking at him and pointing up at the sky. Then if I was up there I will watch you and Brooklyn the rest of your life's I said looking at her and what happened I thought you said you only had one kid with Zach? I asked confused. Well I wa- she got cut off by a doctor walking in. Aye looks who's finally up he said smiling at me. Yeah I said looking at Alex who was texting on her phone. Well I'm Dr north and I'm your doctor and by the way you're wife is so nice and she loves you very much he said looking at her. I looked at her she was already looking at me. She laughed I'm sorry but we're not married she said looking at him. I was kinda sad that she said that but one day she will me my one and only. Oh I'm sorry I thought you two was a thing he said taking my blood pressure. Its okay we are a couple though she said again laughing. Man I love her laugh I can hear it all day If I have to. Well Mr. Clifford you are ready to go we have to get you together and you guys can go back home. He said smiling and walking out the door. I looked at Alexa and seen she was looking down at Brooklyn. Wow she gotten big I said smiling at Alexa yeah she won't stop kicking me though she said looking at me. I'm only 24 weeks Mikey she said laughing and holding her stomach. I was so shocked cause I missed the growing of my babe that sucks. Well come here cause I want to feel her I said pointing to the spot next to me. Okay so she got up and layed next to me she pulled her shirt up so I can feel her. Here she been kick in she said grabbing my hand and moving it to the right side. Feel her she asked looking at me. No I d- Brook cut me off by kicking her. O my God I miss you baby girl I said rubbing the spot where Brooklyn kicked. I miss her and I missed you I said looking up at Alexa we missed you too she said putting her hand on top of mine. I looked back down at her stomach I promise I will be here for you no matter what daddy loves you baby girl daddy loves you I said again putting my head down on Alexa's belly and still rubbing her we stayed like that for a while I'm half asleep in the same position Alexa had her fingers tangled in my hair and Brooklyn kicking my hand. Soon Dr north came in. Oh I'm sorry was I in the middle of something he said looking worried. I got up no I said looking a a tired Alexa looking at me. Well you can go now we're done with you. He said smiling at both of us. Thanks again Dr north. Alexa said getting up an putting her stuff on. be right back need to use the bathroom. I said walking in the bathroom as I was in there I was done and went to was my hands but stop when I know ti's that my hair was pink. Hmm Alex dyed it I said walking out. Hey did you dye my hair? I asked looking at her. Yeah I was bored and I know you so that's what I did she said laughing. Are you ready? She asked walking to the door. Yeah let's go I said walking out with her soon we was home. Home sweet I said walking in the house. Alexa where are you going? I asked looking at her walking up the stairs. Well let's see going to go see my bed cause it wants me she said laughing. Wait for me I said running up the steps in her room so you are really going to bed at 2:05 in the evening I asked laughing. Yes cause uh FYI I'm pregnant and she take over my body thank you very much she said rolling over. I Wish I was taking over your body I said in a whisper so that I can only here. What did you just say she asked looking at me. Nothing I said getting in next to her hmm mmm okay Clifford. She said rolling back over so her back was facing me. I love you alexa I said putting my hand around her and moving her to me. I love you to Mikey she said. Soon we was asleep I woke up and rubbed her belly I love you Brooklyn. I won't let Zach hurt you cause daddy's back and I won't let him hurt you. I said in a whisper and feel back to sleep

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