Chapter 3 Ferris Wheel

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//Rin POV//

---At the Carnival---

Rin stood beside Shiemi as crowds of people pass by them. Holding the red bag that contained his sword, Kurikara. He looks up and pokes her shoulder, she turns to look at him and he points up.

"WOW!" Shiemi cries out as she looks up to see the Ferris wheel.

"Hey, S-Shiemi..." Rin stuttered as he calls out to her to get her attention. His face blushing and he scratches nervously his cheek.

"Yes Rin?" she turns around to look at him.

It's been 20 minutes since they arrived to the carnival but Suguro suggested that they split up into twos. Yukio went with Shura, Izumo with Shima, and Suguro with Konekomaru...and last, Rin with Shiemi.

", I told you that I'd go with you to any ride." Rin said nervously.

"O-Oh...w-well, you know, you can choose if y-" Rin stopped her there.

"No...Y-You choose." Both of their faces were red.

"O-Ok...t-then let's go on...the Ferris wheel!" Shiemi said with a minimum shout. All of a sudden some kid balloon popped and then- "Ahh!"

"Eh?!" Rin cries out as Shiemi screamed from the noise and jumps on him. Grabbing his arm and holding tight. "Shiemi, are you alright?!"

"H-Huh? R-Rin?" she opens her eyes and quickly let's go. "S-Sorry for grabbing you like that."

"I-It's ok..." Rin blushed scarlet red. "Let's go on the Ferris Wheel."

"O-Ok." Shiemi said and then Rin felt her hand grabs his. He freaks out and looks to see a almost serious face yet cute. Rin face reddens even more, but holds her hand gently tighter.

"Let's go." Rin fought hard not to stutter.

"S-Sure." Shiemi stuttered and hides behind his arm. Rin couldn't help but smile a bit.

Minutes later, they enter the Ferris wheel and now they were high up and staring at the sun. Rin turn to see Shiemi memorized by the sight.

"Wow..." she smiled.

"It's beautiful...isn't it?" Rin asked.

"Yes! It's very beautiful! Do you think so too, Rin?" she turn to look at him.

"Yeah." Rin nodded with a grin. He whispers the next part so she wouldn't hear him. "But you're prettier..."

"Huh? What did you say?" Shiemi asked.

"Huh?! Oh! Nothing!" Rin scratched the back of his head nervously. "Nothing at all...hehe."

"Oh, ok. If you say so." Shiemi said. But Rin remember something from earlier. The weird thing Shiemi was doing...the way she was leaning towards him and how she wouldn't stop looking at his eyes.

"H-Hey...Shiemi, were you feeling bad earlier?" Rin asked.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"You kept looking at my eyes and leaning really close to me...were you not feeling well?" Rin asked, completely dense at her reaction by his question.

"Huh?! Um...well...I don't know..uh-" Shiemi stuttered. "I completely forgot...hehe."

Is she lying? Rin thought.

"Shiemi, you're blushing." Rin said...but at that moment. He realized it, what happen earlier and why she is blushing.

"Well...I can't lie, Rin..." she stops and Rin finally took a deep breath.

(Rin X Shiemi Book 1) Dance With The DevilTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon