Chapter 18 Fire

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//Shiemi POV//

"Everyone, please come this way! You must get away!" Shiemi yelled at everyone running and panicking. She pointed at the gate where she knew led out of the market and a road out of town. "Go now!"

"Meow!" she heard her cat, Kyou, meow. She looked at her cat and could clearly see her afraid. So she hugs her warmly.

"Don't worry, I'm here." Shiemi comfort her cat.

"RRRRAAAAHHHHH!!!" Shiemi heard once again the roar of some creature. She looks up to see blue flames spreading around tents and stands. That is when she saw the monster...the gargoyle like creature. Skin like concrete and blazing fire out of its mouth.

Is that...the Rin from the other world? He's here?! Why now? Why? Shiemi thought.

"Rin is fighting him right now...oh no..." Shiemi said to herself. She looks at Kyou and puts her on the ground. "Go now, run."

"Meow." Kyou started to run away. Shiemi watched her go but spotted police and Exorcists approaching towards the gate.

"Oh no..." Shiemi said and starts to run towards where Rin was battling his demon self. She ran but her kimono slows her down...but she dead stops when the gargoyle crashes a few feet away from her. It was thrashing to get up and when it eyes land right on Shiemi.

"RRRRAAHH..." it roared. It stood up and walks slowly towards her. Walking on all fours like a gorilla and as it got closer; she could see it was 20 feet tall. She backs away slowly...she could see the pain and grief in the red eyes of this...other Rin. It opens its mouth to breath fire at her but-

"Rin." Shiemi she called out his name. And it, no...he...stops and stares at her. " you recognize me?"

"GRRR...rrrr.." His growling slowly sounded less angry. She takes a deep breath and slowly walks towards him. She raised her hand up to touch his arm but he tenses up...flinches away but the red flames around his body dims.

"'s ok...I am not going to hurt you..." Shiemi spoke softly.

"Shiemi!" she heard Rin's voice, her Rin...she turns around to see him land on the floor. She raised her hand up to motion him to stop moving.

"Wait...Rin, just look." She tells her boyfriend. She placed her hand on his concrete arm and the flames go away. The angry red eyes turn blue. "Look...he's calming down."

"Huh? H-How...oh god...that's right." Shiemi stared at her Rin confused.

"Huh?" Shiemi asks.

"He's in pain...remember. I understand...I understand now, he is scared and seeing you. You called him by his name, he is calming down..." Rin told her as he walks slowly towards her. But all this calm ended-

"There it is!! Open fire! Open fire now!" Both Shiemi and Rin heard someone shout and they turn around to see police officers opening fire at demon Rin.

"No! Don't do it!!" Rin shouted but it was too late. They began to shoot at demon Rin and his red flames ignite once again.

"RRRRAAAHHH!!!!" he roars.

"Shiemi! Get back!" Rin shouted and she feels him grab her arm, pulling her away. She runs with him but Rin stops...she looks back to see what he was looking and sees demon Rin killing the officers. They were burn alive. "No!"

"I have to help, Rin...Min!" Shiemi called out and Min appears. "Min, hold him for a while."

"Min!" Min responded and bounced towards demon Rin, wrapping him with roots and he roars to escape the roots. But Shiemi summoned more green creatures like Min and they join in to wrap the gargoyle.

(Rin X Shiemi Book 1) Dance With The DevilWhere stories live. Discover now