Chapter 20 Lost Memories

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//Rin POV//

Rin slowly open his eyes to remember he was sitting on his throne. He was in Gehenna, the demon world and he...was the ruler of this realm. After he was sucked through the portal, which was 4 years ago, Rin found himself in the demon realm and his father, who looked a lot older now, waiting for him. Rin's first response was yell angrily at him but stopped when his father told him that everything has changed so that's why he was sent back to his time. To keep him alive with his new timeline, his own body. Rin spent a year knowing Gehenna and learning the laws Satan has placed.

Laws that were controlled with the government his mother and Satan created. But Rin also found out that humans having demons in their world was troublesome. Coexisting was difficult and humans were making it harder. He shed tears to see his twin brother, Yukio, alive and coming to visit him. And to see his mother and Shiro alive. Thanks to Satan having a permanent body, all deaths and all conflict never happen. And the changes he has seen in his father were incredible. He welcomed his father, Satan, to his life fully.

After that, Satan told Rin that he will now rule the demon realm for 3 years, to know more of his people of being demons and then go the human realm. To declare a peace between the worlds. Now he was at his throne...

"Ugh...Man, I hate being so bored." Rin muttered to himself. But the truth was he wasn't bored...or happy...he was sad. Shiemi...the girl, the woman, he loved is gone. Even if her present self is alive, she does not know him. That's why he is afraid to go back to the human realm. He doesn't want to feel so much pain because he knows he would go find her. And he will be heart broken when she doesn't remember him.

"Rin!" he heard a familiar voice. He feels his soft paws land on his legs and he looks down to see Kuro, the two tail cat.

"Ah, hey Kuro. How you been?" Rin asked.

"I'm good...but Rin, is food ready? I'm hungry, meow!" Kuro meowed. And Rin couldn't help but laugh.

"Alright, let's go to the kitchen and I'll cook you a grand meal." Rin was a fake smile. Kuro nods his head and jumps off his lap, he and Rin walked to the kitchen to see Michelle and Igor inside.

"Ah! Rin, hello." Michelle greeted him with a smile.

"Hello, Michelle and hello, Igor." Rin said. He went to the table and started to cut vegetables and other things for the meal.

"Hey, how you been doing, kid?" Igor asked him and Rin looks at him while still cutting the food.

"I've been fine...what are you two doing here?" Rin asked.

"Your father wanted to meet with us to discuss a treaty for you to know. I may have a few ideas." Michelle tells him.

"Shoot away." Rin tells her as he puts the food in the bowl and uses his flames to heat it up. He placed it on the floor and Kuro starts to eat.

"Wait, Michelle..." Igor stops her from speaking and looks at Rin in the eyes. "Your eyes are dim as always...are you still thinking about Shiemi?"

"..." Rin was dead quiet. And a tear rolls down his cheek.

Shiemi...Rin thinks and Michelle hugs him to comfort him.

"It's ok...let it out, Rin." Michelle tells him and Rin finally starts to cry. He hugs her back and Igor pats his back gently.

"It's my fault...I couldn't save...I'm was weak and still am." Rin mid-shouts. He grips on Michelle's shirt tightly. "My fault! I'm no savior or a peace-giver like Fire! I'm a weak, reckless bastard!"

"Rin!" Michelle yelled at him pulls his face up to look at her. "That is not true! Don't let yourself down like an idiot!"

"B-But-" Rin tries to speak but she slaps him.

"Now listen to me, Rin." She tells him. "Don't. Lose. Hope...understand? You love her...and deep down, she loves you. From what you told me with all this time traveling crap, she sounds like someone that loves you so much."

"She's right, you know." Igor tells him. "The things you went through and the love for her is something you can't erase. Don't blame yourself for her death...but she still alive. You'll find a way to help her remember."

"Igor...Michelle." Rin looked at both of them in tears. "Thank you..."

"Are you feeling better?" Michelle asked him and he nods yes.

"A bit better...thank you." Rin tells her and steps back from them. He finally really smiles...and a hint of a flame sparks in his eyes. He takes out a flower...a pink flower that reminded him of Shiemi...and he smiles at it.

Shiemi...I promise you...I'll come back to you. I promise that once you remember me...remember us. I'll ask you to marry me someday; I will never let you go again. Rin thought and looks at Michelle and Igor. Shiemi, I love you.

//Shiemi POV//

"Mother!" Shiemi shouted as she enters the house. "Mother, Yukio and Shura came to visit. Do you know where I left the application to go to True Cross Academy?"

"You left it on the counter." Shiemi mother yells to her from the kitchen. Shiemi ran to the counter and grabbed the application. Yukio and Shura had just entered the house when she did and Shiemi walks to the couple, of which she was told by her friends Izumo and Paku who are attending the academy.

"Hello again, Shiemi." Yukio smiled as Shiemi handed her application to him. "How is your day?"

"Very good, Yukio." Shiemi replies but then turns bright red when Shura hugs her from behind and asks her a embarrassing question.

"Say..Shiemi, do you have a boyfriend or not?" Shura asked and she looked drunk.

"W-W-W-What do you mean?!" Shiemi whispered embarrassed.

"You know what I mean...any boy you like?" Shura smirked but then Yukio pulls her away from Shiemi before making her even more nervous.

"Come on, Shura. We have to go and stop messing with Shiemi like that. She's all red now." Yukio tells her as they walk out the door as Shura starts to argue with him.

"Goodbye..."Shiemi muttered in a small voice.

Someone...I like...Shiemi thought and she felt so sad. She didn't understand why she felt like that and her heart was pounding in her chest.

"A...boy...who..." Shiemi placed her hand on her head as she felt a slight throbbing pain in her head. "Someone...I like...who, who is he?"

She shuts her eyes tight as pain pours even more but she snaps her eyes open as can't remember it now.

What did I just remember?! Please! I have to know! Shiemi shouted in her head. She ran outside her house and to the garden. She fell to her knees and starts to cry.

"Who is he?! Why can't I remember?!" Shiemi shouted as she starts to cry. "I know there is someone!! Who is he?!"


At the distance, floating by the beach and blowing by the wind. The light that no one could see...the light that have traveled far...the light that spent so long has found her...the light that held Shiemi memories.


(Rin X Shiemi Book 1) Dance With The DevilOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz