Chapter 7 Spider Webs

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//Rin POV//

"And we're back!" Rin laughed as him and Shiemi arrived back to the dorms around 10.

"Do you believe Yukio is waiting for us?" Shiemi asked.

"Yeah, but you's worth it." Rin blushed; he was prepared to walk inside holding Shiemi hand.

"The lights are on..." Shiemi said nervously. Rin looks up to see the rooms where the others were staying at were on.

"So they must be all awake-" Rin didn't get to finish when he heard footsteps...they were distance but he can still hear them clearly. "Huh?!"

"Hm? Rin?" Shiemi asked as he turns around and got in a protective position.

"Who's out there?!" Rin shouted as he raised his hands clasped together, in case he has to summon his sword, Kurikara.

He was right about someone watching them...the figure steps out. Standing beside the trees was someone in a dirty brown cloak, wearing a wooden old man mask with a pointy nose. Spiders crawling on its mask and carrying a stick.

"Shiemi...get inside quickly and get!" Rin whispered to her...realizing that she was hidden behind him.

" careful, Rin." Shiemi said worried but he smiles and nods yes.

"I will." He said as she ran inside. Then his attention went back to the figure walking towards him. "Who are you and what's up that getup?"

"So you are him...the son of Satan." The voice was deep...he couldn't tell if it was a male voice or female. But once hearing this person call him the son of Satan was enough for Rin to know that this person is hostile.

"So I'm guessing that you aren't here as a visitor then?" Rin said with a serious tone. "And yes, I'm the son of Satan..."

"Then I will break you...destroy everything dear to you. I'll make Satan suffer by killing his son." the 'old man' growled as it raised its hands. Rin quickly summons Kurikara and was about to draw his sword when spider webs shoot out from the old man sleeves. Hitting the sword, stopping Rin from pulling the blade from the scabbard. The webs also hit his feet, trapping him where he stands.

"What the?!!" Rin cried out as he pulled with all his might to draw out his sword but couldn't. He looks up to see the old...probably young...figure running towards him with incredible speed until-


Gun shots rang out and the attacker stops and runs away. Rin turns around to see Yukio standing at the door, firing with his good arm.

"Yukio!" Rin was glad to see him.

"So that's who been attacking Exorcist." Yukio said calmly as he continues to shoot at the running target.

"H-Hey! Don't be thinking of killing, Yukio!" Rin shouted.

"Don't worry, these are darts...should knock that person out in seconds." Yukio smiled. "Rin, think you can burn the webs off or can't?"

"Let me try." Rin nodded as he lets out a bit of anger. The flames come out and he targets the webs...and they are sent aflame. He smiles as the webs burn away. "Alright! Now where did this creep go?"

"He went around the corner!" Yukio told them and they start to run towards that direction.

"That person a he?" Rin asked.

"It's a him, right?" Yukio asked him.

"I have no idea." Rin growled. Deciding to call this masked attacker a male. "But this guy is planning to piss me off...a lot."

(Rin X Shiemi Book 1) Dance With The DevilDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora