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And for the first time in days, I fell asleep in peace.


I woke up to giggles at the front of my bedroom, and strong arms around me. I didn't want to wake up from the first good sleep I had in days, so I snuggled deeper into the crook of Con's neck. I was guessing Connor was also still asleep because I felt his arms tighten protectively around me. I smiled, happy to know he cares of my well being.

"You two are the cutest things I've ever seen." i heard Zoe say, but I also heard a giggle at the same time, which meant someone else was with her. I opened my eyes, not liking how bright it was in here. I looked to the door, and saw Zoe recording with her phone, and- Sage.

"What are you doing?" I asked them, my lips slightly brushing Con's neck.

"Oh, just making memories!" Zoe continued recording, and I heard Sage taking pictures next to her, the two laughing. I gave them a questioning look before closing my eyes, trying to go back to sleep. But that was impossible when two girls were taking pictures/videos of you.

"What-ugh. Zoe?" I heard Connor wake up and ask Zoe what she was doing, only to be given the same response I got.

"I hate you both." He said before slowly getting up from bed. I whimpered, not wanting him to get up, because nowhad to get up.

I opened my eyes, only to quicky close them because of the light.

"So..You and Troye aye Con?" I heard Sage say to Connor.

"What? Never! And be quiet,he's sleeping." He went out, probably to use the bathroom, and I was going to get up, but then Sage started to speak again.

"Huh, it's a shame Con's straight. He and Troye would make a lovley couple."It sounded as she was about to leave, but Zoe interrupted.

"Um, Sage? If I tell you something, will you promise to keep it a secret?" I was now interested, but still showed no sighs of moving.

"Well, when we went out the other night," She  took a breath before continuing."I think I saw Connor..kiss a man from the bar." She sounded unsure of herself.

"What?" I could imagine the look on Sage's face now. I stayed silent, in case Zoe continued. I know its ease-dropping, but hey, wouldn't you do the same?

"Yeah, I'm almost 100 percent positive. I couldn't see much, but but thats what it looked like. Please don't tell him I know. If he decides to come out, I don't want to embarrass him." I was surprised. Connor might be gay? My memory of that night is a little fuzzy, so I  don't remember to much. But I do remember Con speaking with a man. But them kissing? No, he would tell me, right?

"Wow. And you haven't told Troye yet?"

"No. I didn't want to bring it up. It's not my place to tell him." With that, they continued the conversation in the living room.I opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling.

Connor might be gay?
Why hasn't he told me?
Why hasn't Zoe told me?
Does he like anyone?

Wait, why would I care about that?

Great, even more things to think about at night.

"Whatcha thinking about, Troye Boy?" Con came in smiling.

"Nothing, just thinking." Of you.

He hummed while picking clothes out of his luggage. I contemplated  if I should  bring up what Zoe had said. I decide to do it slowly.

"So, the night at the bar was fun, huh?" I tried to casually say.

"Uh, yeah." His back faced me, so I couldn't see his facial expression.

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