All Great things Come in White Packages

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And I hate to say I love you, When it's so hard for me

                                                     - Sam Smith

                                          Gemi's POV

"Ivy, that was the sexiest shit I have ever experienced.", I said clearly still horny. "Well it takes a Pro to make a man feel that way", she said with a wink. I'm not going to lie that made me a little heated to think of another man's penis being sucked by a Goddess, MY Goddess. "How many men have you sucked up Ivy"?, I asked on the verge of bursting. "What the fuck do you take me as? I'm not a fucking whore and why would I have to tell you that? It's not like we're together.", She tried to voice calmly. "Just answer the fucking question Poison. HOW MANY FUCKING MEN!!", I said furiously. Right when I  finished yelling, Sami began to cry, which made me instantly regret yelling at Ivy. I regretted it for a second until Ivy's hand met my face in a slap. "Don't you ever in a million years insult me like that again you insensitive bastard. I hate you and I hope you rot in hell you ungrateful piece of shit.", Her cracked voice said with tears all over her beautiful cheeks. "Oh yeah, by the way I never went down on any man or even considered having sex with them until I met you, but that was a huge mistake that I am now seeing for myself.", she said crying uncontrollably while going upstairs to check on Sami. " "SHIT SHIT SHIT, I didn't know you were a fucking virgin, SHIT!", I said while pacing back and forth. How the fuck didn't I piece this together sooner? Ivy fineass Lebam is a virgin and I, Gemi Racovelli didn't know. What have I done? Now she is upstairs crying because of my ego. Jesus why am I so insensitive? I was really frustrated so I began kicking and punching walls, until my vision blurred. "STOP Gemi what are you doing?", Ivy ran down the stairs and asked with a croaking voice and worry in her eyes. "I always say shit to mess us up Ivy. I'm falling for you and I keep pushing you back with my words, I don't try to, it's just that you're so unique and charismatic that it makes me do stupid shit. You're everything I ever wanted and needed, but I'm afraid to fall for you because you might find someone who makes you happier than I do.", I said basically crying in her abdomen while I'm kneeling. "Gemi that was the sweetest thing ever. You will never lose my interest. Sure you make me angry and sad but what boyfriend doesn't? Just promise to stop getting so angry with me, Okay?", She said sadly. "Baby I will never intentionally hurt you, I want to be the one who holds your hand, gives you piggyback rides, massage your tummy when "Aunt Pearl" comes, whisper sweet nothings in your ear every night, Kiss your forehead,etc.", I said being very genuine. In that moment I felt the need to kiss her and let her know I was serious. "Ivy we can wait as long as you want for sex babe"., I said with my head down. "Okay but promise me something",she said. "Anything", I said up for the challenge. "Never lie to me and we will be good", she said making kissy faces. I kissed her and then promised to never hurt her heart. "I have to check on Sami I will be right back", she said. 

Ivy's POV

I'm happy Gemi and I made up because I really hate arguing with him. I enter Sami's room and I see her cooing and laughing while looking at the ceiling. Gosh this little girl is gorgeous and she can really melt hearts. I picked her up and began to embrace her as I looked back on my day. I grabbed Sami out of her crib and began to play with her until she erupted into a pit of laughter. Her laughter always seems to calm my soul. I Love her. "If tomorrow is judgement day and I'm standing on the front line. And the Lord ask me what I done with my life, I will say I spent it with you.", I began to sing Whitney Houston's My love is your love until she was asleep again. I put her to bed and began to proceed to my room. "Ivy, you didn't open this box", he said. "What box?". I asked unaware to what he was talking about. I turned around to be greeted with a white box with white ribbon. "When did you get this made", I asked staring at the beautiful gold chain that said "Ivy". "When I bought all those gifts for my two favorite girls, but you overlooked it, I guess. Well, Do you like it because the silence us killing me.", he said. I laughed very hard, "Like it ? I love it. All great things come in white packages.", I said. Right when I finished the sentence I felt two lips on my own and I began to move mine in sync.

Sorry for taking so long to update, I just started college and it's taken a while to adapt to the new setting. Please continue to vote, comment. S/O my story on y'all social media if y'all want to. Sorry this chapter is short btw.  Lol . I'm going to try to update more often but no promises. I hope you guys enjoy. Until next time, Bye

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