She's MINE!

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Ivy's POV

"Uh yeah? Sure.", those were the last things I told Gemi three days ago, now I have to own up to my word today. I have kind of been avoiding his presence since the kiss, I really don't know how to react after he spilled his heart to me, but I have to put on my big girl pants today and suck that shit up. "I have to meet his family", I chanted in my brain trying to ease my nerves a little. I was getting up from my position on the bed to check on Sami. Gemi had construction workers and painters to come and knock down a wall near my room so that Sami's new room is connected to mine. Her room was peachy orange with gold touches everywhere. He really out did himself with her room. She seemed to enjoy every bit of it, especially the toy station that was filled with more toys everyday. I grabbed her from her crib and began to rock her gently while singing I have nothing by Whitney Houston. I love all of Whitney's songs and I love to sing them and it seems like Sami likes hearing them. I quickly decide to bathe Sami to get her ready for our family filled day. I wish my mother could meet her, but I know Gemi would never let that fly with his stubborn ass. I filled her baby tub up and began to wash her while she made a host of faces. After her bath and a whole lot of lotion and powder I decide to dress her in a green monogrammed onsie with green socks and a bow that I ordered from Amazon prime. She looked adorable, of course she did, I dressed her. I fed her a bottle and burped her and she was out again. I packed a baby bag with tons of clothes, plenty of diapers and wipes. I fixed 5 bottles and sat them in the refrigerator. Now is time for me to get ready, I shower in bath and body works until my fingers are rinkled and pale. I decided to wear my hair curly because it was hot and if I straightened it would poof back up. I put on some high waist ripped jean shorts and my baseball jersey leotard underneath it with some white jelly sandals. I need to order Sami some of these ASAP. I grabbed my white Kate Spade crossbody and filled it with my items. I twirled around in front of my full length mirror approving my outfit while doing so. Maybe I should change because Gemi might not approve. Speaking of him, I haven't seen him all day, I wonder where he is? Maybe he had to work early, which I still don't know what he does. By the looks of his house one would guess a doctor or lawyer, but that man hates people so I highly doubt that he works as either. I think I should call the number he told me to call to make sure he didn't forget about the plans. I grabbed my iphone 6 and began to dial the number that was on a sticky note that Gemi wrote down. After three rings I got no answer, but I heard a loud crash which happened to be the door being kicked down. Wait who would kick the door down Gemi said no-one knows where he resides, so who cou--- ? There on the other side of the door stood the evil performer, Gemi. "GEMI, what the hell. Why on earth did you kicked down the door like that?", I asked seething. "I thought you and my kid was in fucking danger, but excuse the FUCK out of me.", he said clearly mad. " I'm sorry Ivy, it's just you scared me and that never fucking happens.", he said apologizing. I couldn't move because I was in shock about what he actually said.... his kid. "Please say something.", he said with pleading eyes. "Your kid, huh?", was all I said before his lips were abusing mine. "Ivy why do you always tease me, girl? I reall need to get a paddle so I can wear your ass out.", he huskily whispered. That made my nipples harden 10 times. " Uh Uh uhm, I need to make sure I have all of Sami's things together", I stuttered out. I ran off to check on the baby as soon as I finished my sentence. Since when did I start stuttering and why? Lord that man sure does know how to leave a woman hot and bothered, well technically I left him. I reached Sami and she was staring on the floor playing with her toys. How did she get out her crib? Maybe the bolts need tightening up so she won't escape in the future or cause injury. I picked her up and placed her on my hip as I walked out her room. "Gemi could you tighten the screws on the baby's crib, she escaped today.", I said while waiting for a response. "Yeah. Ivy you never told me why you called", he said. "Oh yeah I forgot to tell you. I called to make sure you didn't forget about your family get together or whatever you want to ca-- SHIT!, he yelled cutting me off. I slapped his head. "Don't swear in front of the baby". "You better be happy I want to impregn--", he stopped realizing his bluntness. Awkward. I tried to hide my blush but I couldn't. "Hurry and get dressed we have to leave. How far is your Aunt's house from here anyway?", I asked. "Uh a couple states across", he said scratching his head. "Is there something you're not telling me?", I asked trying not to catch an attitude. "We kind of have to go to Italy.", he said calmly. "WHAT! , are you high?", I spoke lividly. "Chill poison. It's just Italy", he stated shrugging his shoulders. "Whatever", I mumbled. "You want to repeat that", he asked cornering me in a corner. He kissed my forehead and walked off. "Bastard", I whispered. "Sorry, you had to see that", I whispered to my angel, Sami. Twenty long minutes later a very handsome Gemi cascaded down the stairs with polo shorts and Duke and Dexter's shoes. "You look fancy, now lets go.", I said pulling his arm with Sami safely in her carseat waiting by the door. "HELL NO! Not with you dressed like that.", he said breathing heavy. "What's wrong with my outfit?", I asked pouting. "Ivy please the men would devour you with that outfit", he said pinching the bridge of his nose. "Fine", I said walking slowly up the stairs. Four minutes later I walked down with a white bralette with white skinny jeans and a loose kimono with red pumps. "What about now, Daddy", I said full of attitude. "Please don't do that if you want to get there on time", he said. While he shifted his pants, I grabbed Sami's bottles and put them in her bag, then I grabbed her and began to walk outside to be greeted with his driver and a jet. This man knows how to drive anything. Steps behind me was Gemi, "Is it safe to take her on that thing?", I asked. "Yeah don't be a worry wart poison our kid will be fine. Oh I forgot to tell you that we have successfully adopted Sami.", he said. I placed her down gently and turned towards him. I didn't know what to do so I kissed him passionately our tongues fighting for dominance, in which he won. After our make out session he grabbed Sami and we boarded the jet. We arrived in Italy at 12:30 p.m., according to Gemi I slept the whole ride, which was only 3 hours. "We should be at my aunt's house in 15 minutes.", Gemi said while sqeezing my hand. True to his word we arrived in exactly 15 minutes. That is when I got a little nervous, how will I explain Gemi and I relationship? God what if they're racist? I pushed the thoughts aside and walked to the door with Gemi as he carried my dear Sami. A very skinny woman with black hair and blue eyes opened the door. It didn't take a genius to see that she was gay. She wore heavy black clothes while displaying her tattoos and she was checking me out so hard. Gemi caught the look and he didn't like it at all. He grabbed my waist and practically growled "She's MINE" at the chick. Those two words put so much fear in her heart that one could see it in her eyes. This is one time I am happy about Gemi's protectiveness.

I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter.
Sorry for errors. Thanks for the comments. Please continue to comment and vote. I will try to update at least once a week. I love y'all.

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