Layers Deep

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Gemi's POV

So far everything has been surprisingly fun, we have gotten on three rides and actually engaged in conversation. Ivy was as sweet as sugar, too sweet for me. Somehow she managed to get the whole park private to respect my wish of not being seen. That was a nice gesture, too nice. Why would a woman go through all that for me? Why would a woman like that ever go for me? She wouldn't. She probably doesn't even know I kill people for a living. "I want to get on that", Ivy said bringing me out my thoughts. Man did it look lethal. It was shaped like a drill and it spins you around while tossing you in the air. Fuck that it looked like it could reached the clouds. Why was this shit even legal? "You sure you can handle it? That ride looks pretty intense", I said trying to talk her out of it. "Yes. Do you think you can handle it big boy?"she asked flirtatiously. "Let's do this Poison", I said. We joined hands and got on. When it started, I knew I had fucked up. First that damn seat. It had to be created by the devil himself. It felt like my whole manhood was pulverized with a grinder. Second, when the ride started, the headache came. All the rotating and shit wasn't helping. Lastly, all Ivy did was laugh. How in the hell was she happy while I'm screaming my lungs out? I don't care if I look like a bitch yelling, I am scared. God saved the day when he stopped that ride. I felt like I was hit by a dozen bricks. "Gem are you alright? You don't look too good?", that was all I heard before I blacked out. According to the paramedics, I was only out for 3 minutes, but Ivy looked scared shitless. "You okay poison? You look like you seen a ghost", I said chuckling. "Nice to see the asshole is okay. You scared the crap out of me.", she said all innocent. "Good to see you care so much about me babe.", I said while making kissey faces."Eww boy go to hell", she said while I uproared in laughter. I haven't laughed this long in years, I needed that. "Yes you did", Ivy stated making me realize I said that aloud. The paramedics said it was nothing but dizziness from the ride, so I decided to just walk it off at the park. After so long we realized we were hungry."You want to eat here", I asked. "Sure were the only two so we don't have to wait in lines. Just let me go wash my hands really quickly." Ivy said. I went to the men's restroom and did my business. Ivy was taking a really long time so I decided to call her. She didn't pick up, so I went in the restroom to see her with tears in her eyes and a blanket.

Ivy's POV

Man I didn't try to kill him, as I stare at an unconscious Gemi. To say I was scared was an understatement, but when he woke up I was happy and my heart kind of felt relieved. What am I doing catching feelings for thus man? We all know I can only get burned. He woke up tp be the jackass he is, but I like him that way. After so long we realized we were hungry so we went to wash up. As I was washing my hands I heard a faint cry. Who did they let in, after I paid half  of my last pay check for this to be private? What I seen was beyond heart breaking. There in a stall was a beautiful baby girl eyes open wide and mouth ajar. With this precious baby was a letter that read:

Dear Samaritan,

Please watch after my beautiful Sami. I know whoever is reading this thinks I'm crazy and a sorry excuse for a mother. I have cancer, stage 4 to be exact and I have 3 days to live and no family. I left Sami in this bathroom Oct.8 .I'm probably dead right now. Will you please do what I couldn't do and raise her to the best of your abilities. Please treat her as your own. I thank whoever takes on this responsibility.
P.S. Her birthday is July 23rd.


A struggling mother

This letter broke my heart in one million pieces. For one to have to go through that, and make a decision that hard.I hadn't realized I was holding the baby yet until Gemi made his presence known."Ivy are you okay", he asked concerned. He looked from me to the baby to the note. He read it while I tried to calm the baby down. "Ivy October 8th was Saturday this baby hasn't eaten since then, being that its closed on Sunday and kind of today." Gemi said outraged. "Let's go get her something to eat, that's probably why she is crying like that. In a swift notion Gemi grabbed my hand and cradled the baby for dear life. He was showing a side I never seen before. Caring. We forget all about our hunger and go to the car. His driver looks at us with a shocked face but says nothing. I laid Sami across my lap and began to try to soothe her by rubbing her back. The ride to the store was silent until Gemi spoke up. "What the fuck are we to do with this baby?", he asked. I was appalled by his behavior. "I don't know, but this child has lost everything and you're acting as the selfish pig you are.", I said not really caring. Once at the store I grabbed the baby and tried to leave. That was when Gemi handed me his black card."Please just use my card, its the least i can do.", he said. I snatched it not really buying his sorry excuse of an apology. In the store I bought only necessities. I grabbed diapers, wipes, powder, lotion, onesies, bottles, and plenty of similac. I paid and took the baby to the restroom, I was changing her diaper to see a huge rash on her behind, probably from laying in her feces that long. I wiped it carefully and put a clean diaper on. I went to the ointment aisle and found diaper rash. I grabbed it and purchased it. I entered Gemi's car and said nothing to him. I was not trying to end such a good day on a bad note, so I just ignored him. His driver was driving really slow,  it seemed like he was doing it on purpose. We finally made it home around 4:45. I grabbed the baby and her new belongings and took her up to my room. I went downstairs to warm her a bottle, so she can finally eat. "I have to go handle something, but it shouldn't take long. I'm sorry okay?", Gemi said. I just nodded and kept fixing the bottle. I soon heard the door close, a sign of him leaving. A unaware sigh that I was holding escaped my lips. How could Gemi be so cruel? This is probably why he had no woman in his life . He was too selfish. Snapping out of my daydreams I ran back upstairs to see a very tired looking Sami. I fed her three bottles and burped her well. She went to sleep right after I burped her. Man she looked peaceful. Her eyelids fluttered a little and her lips were slightly parted. You could hear her little snores every now and then. Sami looked happy and at ease. I must have spoke too soon because sixteen minutes later I was snapped out of my thoughts by a loud cry. This chick had to be screaming from the top of her lungs. I tried feeding her, burping her, changing her, and none of that worked. That's when I decided it was time to give her a bath. I placed the stopper in the sink and began to run Luke warm water. I squeezed a generous amount of her Johnson Johnson baby wash in her water before placing her in. She was a little fussy at first, but the bubbles seemed to calm her down. I began to blow bubbles on her face and tickle her to make her more relaxed. I washed over her tiny little body carefully and began to tickle her again. Then she let out a laugh, this was the first time she laughed since I had known her, so this was huge to me. Her little laugh sounded like liquid gold to my ears. I took her out the water and began to dry her. I put some diaper rash on her butt, which she didn't seem to like at all. She was crying and hollering so I began singing Whitney to her. "I found the greatest love of all in side of me", I sang as she slowly stopped crying. I kept singing and rocking her until she was sleep. I took this as an opportunity to finish getting her dressed and get dinner started since me and Gemi didn't eat yet. I prepared us some Parmesan Chicken Alfredo with steamed vegetables and buttered rolls. For dessert I made a homemade marble cake, that my mom taught me how to make. God how I miss her. Why can't I at least visit her? The sight of dirty dishes  clouded my vision, so I began to clean them. I tried to wait until Gemi got home, but I couldn't he was taking to long doing whatever he was doing, so I began to eat and boy did it taste delicious. I wrapped his plate up and headed upstairs to check on Sami. Her eyes fluttered open and she began to squirm as I looked at her, funny how I already knew she was about to cry. I cradled her in one arm and walked downstairs I made her a bottle and she sucked on it until he fell asleep again. I carried her back upstairs and tucked her into my bed. I turned on cartoons and drifted off to sleep myself.

Gemi's POV

I really fucked up this time. Now Ivy won't even fucking speak to me. I got to have her, scratch that I WILL have her. I know I sound like a possessive moron, but I'm love sick over this girl. I have known her since she was 18, but she doesn't know that and I would like to keep it that way. I didnt know I wanted her until the Gala event when I knew I had to have her. I been spying on her for some time and now that I have her I will not let her go easily. Michael Riley, my driver, noticed this earlier. He has always been like a father figure to me since I don't really see my own. "Son just tell her how you feel", he said as we watched her exit the car at the store. "It's not that easy, besides she doesn't even know what kind of man I am.", I say disappointed in myself. "Show her the good man I know.", he said. I have been thinking about what he was saying since he said it. I was going to take  her and Sami out , but I got a message saying one of my cousins is back from Italy. I decided to meet him at the warehouse. "What's up cousin? Long time no see. How is everyone back home?", I greeted. "Their well, they miss you though. Look I just came to drop this off, because I have to help mom plan this family cookout.", he said. I nodded understanding him completely. "You will be there, right?", he asked. "Of course, When is it again?", I asked knowing my mother will call and force me to go if I don't just comply. "Next weekend, you better come too Gemi", He said. "Or what", I replied. "I will kill you myself", he joked. We laughed and joked until he had to leave. I wanted to check on Ivy, but I knew she wouldn't answer my calls. I decided to do the next best thing and check my mobile security system. What I saw warmed my heart, a bubble covered Sami and a smiling Ivy. Boy I have to make her love me. I GOT it. I will go shopping for both of them. First I hit up Baby Gap, then Dillard's, Toys R Us, Bath and Body. Lastly, I went by my favorite boutique. I had ordered two hudred white roses and a touch of fake Poison Ivy. She will love this. I can't wait to see their little expressions. It was around 3 in the morning, when I made it in so I knew they were sleep. I placed all the items on the living room floor and left them there until morning.

Sorry for errors. Comment. Vote. I will update next week. Thanks for the support.  Love y'all. Bye

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