I can't stay mad at you

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                           Gemi's POV

I had to let Rani dike pussy know that Ivy isn't with that gay shit, and if she try her like she's weak I will pop her ass, cousin or not. That seemed to put a little fear in her heart, but only for a second this bitch had the nerve to look at my baby's ass and wink at her. I was going to beat her ass to a pulp, then I realized I was still holding my angel. Rani ass was lucky this time, but she will be handled. We stepped into the threshold of the house to be welcomed by all of my family. My mother was the first to approach us. "Wow Gemi told me you were pretty, but geesh he didn't give you enough credit my dear, you are simply breathtaking. Oh by the way my name is Merida, but you can call me ma if that is okay with you Ivy", she said with her thicke Italian accent present during every syllable. "Thank you madam, but I must say you are very stunning and you do not possibly look a day over 30.", my beautiful Ivy spoke with such poise. "I like her Gemi, hold onto her forever and don't break her heart or I will break your dick.", my mom said not really caring that all the family was around. That's how it is with Italian women, they have no filter on what they say and feel no remorse either, it can make a person or hinder them. "And who might this gorgeous dumpling be Gemi?", my mother asked referring to Sami. "Mom I would like for you and the rest of the family to meet Sami,  this is our daughter.", I voiced structurally.  "Oh my why wasn't I told I'm a meemaw? Oooohh I have so many things to just spoil her with. Darling how did you lose that baby fat so fast, she looks fresh out the cooch. Nevermind that she is gorgeous, let me hold her Gemi. How did you go a whole nine months without telling your old woman you got a model knocked up?", mom rambled on and on until I finally let her hold her. "My my my she is simply the perfect child, tell me how was labor since I wasn't there and all.", mom said feigning hurt. "We wouldn't know.", I simply stated. "How don't you know? She is yours right?". "Not biologically, but we adopted her and we don't ever want her to find out, got it?", I said to the whole family. They all nodded in unison, knowing that I'm not someone to toy with. "Good. Now where is my noble father.", I asked just realizing his absence. "Here, I am. Now introduce me to my future daughter in law.", dad said with that damn cocky voice. "Dad this is Ivy Lebam, my girlfriend Ivy this is my dad.", he shook her hand and whispered something in her ear which caused her to laugh in which I didn't like, but hey its just my dad. They chatted and then Ivy began to mingle with my relatives. They all took a strange liking towards her, all the women complimented her assets and beauty while all my male relatives stared at her as if she were a steak and them a starving dog. Best to belief I gave all of them personal death threats.

                         Ivy's POV

Gemi's family was extremely nice and loving that it almost felt perfect. His mother was the epitome of a perfect wife. She was around 5'3 with beautiful chocolate brown hair and green pupils. She had three freckles under her left eye and a beauty mark on the left side of her mouth. She is gorgeous for whatever age she is. All the women were nice and gave me compliments, I felt comfortable with everyone's except that gay chick Rani. She smiled and stared at me majority of the time I was there and that was creepy as hell. The men bore holes in my skin also, but it was  understood why they stared. I think the entire family was fresh though, especially Gemi's father. Our first impression was a little nerve wrecking until he decided to whisper "You could call me daddy, but I don't think my son or wife will appreciate that, so I'll settle for Giovanni,  or you can call me daddy at your own risk.", the old man's sense of humor made me ease up a bit which caused Gemi to tense up. I don't think he noticed that I seen this weird movement so I shook it off. Dinner had finally finished and we were on our way to wash up. I had Sami in my left arm while Merida told me of Gemi's childhood, from how he went from Cavity child to when he first lost his virginity. She was beginning to tell me about his ex, when we heard a loud crash. She quickly rushed me and the baby into s safe place,  that happened to be a revolving wall that I only saw in movies. "What is going on? ", I asked terrified.  "Oh the usual, don't worry. ", merida replied while pouring some wine in a glass. "Want some?", she asked with eyebrows raised. "No thanks.", I replied while clinging onto Sami as I thought I was going to lose her. I tried to relax, so I popped a squat and began to take in my surroundings. We were in an all maroon room with black touches. There were books of all sizes lined up on many shelves. I picked up a green one with a leather cover that had the letters RMF in big bold letters. I asked Gemi about it, but he said I had a panic attack and started hallucinating. He told me it was all a dream after meeting his family. I wonder what made it trigger? Oddly enough that was all of the dream that I remember before being back in the states. Maybe I will remember tomorrow.

                      Gemi's POV

I'm going to fucking kill all of those Simbolé boys. How dare they come to my parents house with that shit. And my baby and woman were in there, yeah this means war. I'm coming after their asses and I'm coming full throttle. Don't mess with what's mine because I will take what's yours and end it without thinking about how it started. Those asses must have forgotten who trained them, and I can easily refresh their mind. Mom knocked Ivy out with a glass decoration, I know you're probably thinking I'm crazy for letting her do that, but is for her own good. Mom said she was about to read our family Mafia origin, plus the scene was to dangerous. I had my jet to rush Ivy, myself, and Sami home. I didn't need my babies in danger, Poison was blacked out, so she was sleep the whole way back. Sami wasn't though, in fact we took several selfies just to keep her quiet so she wouldn't disturb my Queen. She calmed me down a little bit with her cuteness, but hours later when we were home I  wanted to fuck all of them up so badly. I didn't realize I was squeezing a glass and broke it. This woke Ivy up and she bacame all Captain doctor. "Be still so I can get the glass out.", she said angelically. I winced none because I felt nothing, must be my adrenaline. "Care to explain", she asked. "Not really,  now get some rest because you are jet lagged.", I commanded. "Uh hell to the NO, now tell me what's up.", she said. "Fucking drop it Poison.", I said  instantly regretting even raising my voice at her. "Ivy I'm---- "Save it", she cut me off. "I need some fresh air, I'm stepping outside", she replied. "SHIT!", why did I open my big ass mouth?". I decided to go check on Sami, she was in her crib, lying on her back, kicking up a storm. I gently picked her up and began rocking her. "Mommy is really mad at me now. I didn't mean to hurt her, I promise daddy will never hurt you or your mother intentionally". "Do you mean that?", Ivy asked with blood shot eyes. "Yes baby, with all my heart. Now dry those pretty damn eyes because it pains my heart to see your cheeks stained with tears.", I croaked out. "I could never stay mad at you, by the way what happened to me earlier?", she asked before my lips attacked hers in a heated kiss. "Panic attack", I lied knowing her medical history. I pulled her in a hug until we ended up on the floor, and embraced my two girls all night.

                    Unknown POV

Oh how cute they looked in their family huddle. Not for long though. Damn boss better pay me extra for doing away with his ass.

I'm happy y'all like this book so far.  I'm honestly shocked by all the votes.
Thanks for all the votes and comments. Please continue to vote and comment. Tell me y'all opinions. Sorry for errors. I try to update at least once a week now. If you haven't already, check out my other book titled "The Icing on the Cake", it will not disappoint. I love y'all. Until next week.

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