Once I pulled up to this hotel called 'Day light Inn' I helped Lexi with her bags. I was actually surprised I could remember her name I would usually forget it after the girl tells me but with this it was as if I couldn't get the name out of my head.

I told her I would help her check in, I left Jacob in the car as Lexi and I entered the hotel lobby. The woman behind the desk gave me a flirty smile and I smiled back, seriously the ladies just can't take their eyes off me.

"I need a room with one bed for this girl right here for 2 weeks." I said pointing at Lexi.

Lexi gave her a shy smile as the woman behind the desk grabbed a key from behind her "Sure thing." She said winking at me. 

She handed the key to Lexi and turned to me "It's on the third floor and room 302." I smiled and mumbled a thank you.

"How much?" I asked. She gave me another flirty smile but when I pointed at Lexi "For her." I mumbled.

She rolled her eyes a said "$32.53 is the total." She said in a mean tone towards Lexi.

Lexi sighed and looked at me "I don't have any money, I can't stay here." She whispered.

I felt bad for her so I pulled out my wallet and paid the money. The woman behind the desk looked a bit shocked but took the money.

Lexi sighed as we started walking towards the elevator "You didn't have to."

I flashed her a charming smile "It's okay I couldn't leave a pretty girl in need."

She gave me a smile and I smiled back.

"Wait!" The woman behind the desk called which I ignored and helped Lexi into the elevator.

Everything was silent inside the elevator all you could hear was the sound of the music playing inside, but I didn't really care all I could do was stare at Lexi.


Everything was silent inside this so called elevator, it was awkward because from the corner of my eye I could tell he was staring at me. Could he tell I wasn't from here? Or did I have something on my face?

I shifted uncomfortably and sighed I had to think of something to say before things got really awkward "Uh so that woman behind the desk seemed to like you." I said looking at him.

He let out a laugh and smiled "Jealous?" He asked me.

I shook my head quickly "Of course not!" My palms started sweating and I started getting nervous I knew my nails would soon change to Yellow for nervousness. I balled my hands into fists as I felt them start to shake.

"You okay?" I heard Noah ask me.

I nodded quickly "I'm fine!" I squeaked.

Once the elevator stopped on my floor I smiled at him. "Thanks for everything Noah."

He gave me a smile grabbing my suitcase and carrying it to my room 302.

Once he opened the door he placed my suitcase by the door and sighed "We'll I guess this is goodbye?" He asked.

I nodded giving him a smile "Thanks again." I said.

He smiled showing his teeth "No problem like I said I couldn't leave a pretty girl hanging."

I nodded as he started to leave. Once I saw that he got into the elevator I closed my door and jumped on the bed and closed my eyes sighing deeply. Humans were so nice. Noah was nice helping me out, I hope I would see him again but I knew my odds of ever seeing him again were slim, vey slim.

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