Chapter 6 - Mint, Anyone?

Start from the beginning

“Not if you don’t tell,” I said a hundred percent serious. “” And can you keep it down?” If it wasn’t bad enough Aiden knew, and loud mouth Mac knew, Maddie was on her way over. 

Shit! I don’t want Maddie to find out, she was my only friend and would be so mad if she found I did drugs. I think she noticed by the weird look that came across her face. 

“Jenny, what’s the matter with your eyes/?Do you have pink eye or something?” Ass much as I didn’t want her knowing I did drugs, I didn’t want a rumour going around that I had pink eye.

“NO uhmmm” I couldn’t think of anything to say, so someone did for me..

“Ahh Maddie it was so funny, in art class she got some paint on her hands and then wiped her hands across her face. She looked hilarious. “Aiden started laughing. What the hell was he doing? This didn’t happen. I guess he just likes to embarrass me. 

“Anyway, she washed her face and got soap in her eye, she could hardly see. Which is why I guided her to the cafeteria. I couldn’t believe it, he just saved my ass. Why would her do that?

“Ohh some one’s gunna” Aww poor thng” Maddie looked at me with sympathy. “Come on Mac lets go” She said as she grabbed Mac’s hand guiding him away.

Aiden looked at m. he open his eyes wider, and tilted his head forward. As if he were waiting for me to say something.

“What?” I looked at him blankly

“Don’t I get a thank you” He asked. 

I was saved by the bell. I got up and walked away. Since I skipped the morning I couldn’t be late for science.

As it turns out loud mouth Mac also has a big mouth. I could feel people staring at me and whispering. “ I heard she’s high” I heard someone say quietly. They needed to shut  up else I would get caught.

 Mr. Kimble entered the room and looked around it. Then cleared is voice.

“We are starting our chemistry labs today, but before we do, we must go over the safety rules. Anyone want to share them?” No one answered. You could hear Mac and Aiden chatting in the back.

“Boys name a safety rule”

“Wear goggles” Mac replied.

“Good” Mr. Kimble stated. “Now you Aiden”

“I don’t know” He said jokingly.   

The class laughed but Mr. Kimble didn’t seem to be amused. Eventually people spoke up saying obvious rules. Mostly the nerds answered. I had discovered the difference between nerds and dorks. Dorks are lame, nerds are super smart and Lame. To my surprise one of the clones put their hands up. It was Sydney.

“Yes?” Mr. krimble pointed to her. Is it safe to be high, while doing it’ I couldn’t believe what I was hearing 

“Uhmm not only isn’t it safe, but against the school rules. You would probably be suspended and cops could get involved, but how is this relevant to our discussion Ms. Mathews” I prayed  that whatever she said next next had nothing to do with me. 

“Because Jenny is” She looked at me and smiled evilly. 

“ I this true Jenny?” I kept my hair in front of my eyes.

“No” I lied.

“Ms. Malcom look at me. I looked up at him slowly. He then walked away. Phew! I though to my self, until he grabbed the phone to contact the office. After talking  for awhile, he hung it up and turned to me.

“Please go down to the office and meet Mrs. Hampton

The room filled with ooh’s and ahh’s. I got up and slowly exited the room. I thought about running, but the office was expecting me. I smiled remembering something, now I had a plan.

“Hello Jennifer,” Mrs. Hampton greeted me as I walked into her office.

“Please sit down, Mr. Kimble reported you being high, that’s against school rules and we could call the cops.

“ I didn’t sell them and I don’t have any on me , so I’m not breaking the law” I informed her. Hopefully they wouldn’t call the cops, they may say I’m abusing the kids at school and have me arrested.

“Is that so, lets go check  your locker” Shit, my one hitter was in there. They would take it away.

We waked sled to my locker and I slowly turned my lock, doing the combination. Nineteen, five, twenty-one. I opened it  and passed her my bag. She took out the one hitter and then dug through my books.

“Looks like your right” I smiled. “Oh wait” She said putting her hands  her hands in the small bag, then pulling out a little baggy with a chopped up substance in it.

“Jenny, you lied”

“No, I didn’t”

“You, said you didn’t have any”

“I don’t”

“Then what is this?”

“ It’s, sylvia, a mint plant" I  insisted. She looked at me strange and then put her nose close to the bag and took a small sniff. 

“ It seems your right” She looked at me confused. I wasn’t about to tell  her that you can get a high off of it and that’s not even what i used to get high.  If I did that I’d be in more trouble. I'n not stupid I'd never leave it in my bag at school. I'd also never get high on sylvia at school. It's like a ten minute crazy trip-- not something you do in public. “ I guess  there is no need to call the cops, and since there is no proof” I started to smile. “ But we are still going to call your Aunt, you are suspended for the rest of the day and no more bringing mint leafs to school. Go get your  work from your teachers and comeback” She said sternly. I walked down the hallway and again thought of running, so I wouldn’t have to face my aunt, but that would make it worse.

I had an essay in English and test review in science. Thank god my other classes are Art and Gym. I walked back to the office scared of facing my aunt. I walked up to that principal once again. 

“We called your aunt and she can’t come to get  you, your to walk straight home” She announced.

“Okay” I said turning around and walking away.

“Oh Jenny” She called down the hallway. “I’m aware of your tough circumstances, I let you off easy this time, but next time I won’t. Just remember your past doesn’t predict your future and where you come from doesn’t effect where you will go” She smiled sincerely. Wow leaving me  to think about a cheesy line, typical.

I walked out the front doors smiling. I had gotten away with it, without hardly any punishments. The bell rang, I guess the investigation took longer then I thought. So much for a day suspension.

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