chapter 22 ! secrets

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Four months later

Y/N sat at the piano in her living room staring at the keys. She had been in the mood to write a song all afternoon but nothing was coming to mind. She had gotten into a fight with Camila earlier and Lauren didn't have any service because her parents had taken her on a weekend camping trip so Y/N was stuck with the thoughts running through her head and one angry girlfriend. It actually wasn't Y/N's fault she was mad. Camila had gotten jealous over the fact she had been spending missed time with Normani and some ugly stuff had been said.

The two girls had been playing around in Y/N's music room having an impromptu jam session with their guitars. When Y/N's phone had rang, she had quickly picked up when she saw it was Normani and frowned when the tearful voice of her best friend traveled into her ear.

"Normani are you okay?"


"we got into an argument and I think we broke u-up."

"Fuck Mani I'm on my way."

Hanging up the phone Y/N immediately stood up and put the guitar down causing Camila to look at her in confusion.

Running her hands through her hair Y/N gave out a sigh.

"Babe I'm really really sorry to cancel this but Normani is at her house crying and I have to go over there."

Camila watched as you hurried to put your stuff away. "This may sound insensitive but are you really canceling on me again?" She muttered stressing the again.

Furrowing her eyebrows Y/N turned to Camila. "Camila I've cancelled you twice? Because I went shopping with Normani and now because shes at home literally crying?"

"I'm just saying you've been putting Normani over me and not Lauren."

"Camila are you fucking kidding? I've cancelled on Lauren for Normani too! I completely ignored her why you two were playing with my damn emotions so I'm sorry if I spend a little time with my best friend!"

Camila walked over to the door you were about to walk out of and stood in front of it. " I just think that you should be spending a little more time with your girlfriend like when you cancelled on me to go shopping! I could have went Y/N its little things like that!"

mine. >> (C.C&L.J / You)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora