chapter five ! confused minds

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"We have almost every class together." Y/N looked at Lauren's schedule with her jaw dropped at bit.

Lauren gave the girl a confused look. "And you seem shocked because?"

"They don't usually put players of the same team together because we usually get all 'rowdy and loud' according to Principle Davis but Normani,Camila,Ally, Dinah and I lucked out and got put in all the same classes because I begged Coach to talk to the Principle."

Lauren nodded in understanding. "You five seem close."

"Well we've all been friends since Pre-K except for Camila because she moved here when we were all in fifth."

"Can I ask a question?" Lauren looked at Y/N.

Nodding at Lauren Y/N watched as shit bit her lip as she thought about how she was going to ask. Was biting your lip supposed to be that attractive? Y/N bit her own lip as she watched Lauren bite and lick at her own. Let me bite those lips.

"Y/L/N!" Y/N shook her head and gave Lauren an apologetic smile as she turned to face the blond boy that called her.

"Bieber! What's up dude?" Lauren watched as Y/N have the admittedly very attractive boy a handshake followed by hug. Is everyone in this fucking school hot?

"Nothing much, I was wondering if you knew where Camila was?" Y/N look at him with her eyebrows raised.

"Nah, I've been with Lauren over here all morning, why do you need Camila though." Y/N said gesturing to Lauren and then crossing her arms over her chest.

Justin waved at the green eyed girl and turned back to Y/N. "Between me and you uhm I want to ask Camila on a date." Justin watched as Y/N looked at him with a shocked expression, everyone knew Y/N had a little something Camila and Bieber was going to ask out? "If that's okay with you of course." He added quickly, It was common knowledge that you didn't want to be on Y/N's bad side, not when she basically ruled the school.

Y/N turned to Lauren and saw the same shocked expression on her face. Clearing her throat she looked back at Justin. " Well I don't own neither her or you, so if you want go head, Uhm I have to go." She gave Justin a quick handshake and turned to Lauren keeping her eyes low so she couldn't tell how much that question affected her.

"Uhm, I'm going to the bathroom, is it okay if Justin walks you to our homeroom?" Lauren nodded understanding that Y/N needed sometime alone but she also wanted to go with her.

Y/N softly smiled at Lauren. "I can tell you're concerned, I'm good Lauren."

Lauren didn't believe her but watched with a frown as she walked down the opposite hallway and into the bathroom.

Well that answered my question.


In the bathroom Y/N leaned against the wall and took a deep breath.

"Okay Y/N listen to me.You don't own Camila. Camila can go on dates.You can't get jelous. She's not Yours. She's single." As soon as she managed to calm herself down, her three friends literally burst through the door. Dinah reached Y/N first and pulled her into hug. Her other two friends joined in and Y//N smiled. She needed that.

"Jauregui sent us in here, she said she would've came but she didn't know if you were comfortable with that." The girls pulled away. "Speaking of that what's going on with you guys? We kind of caught you in compromising position." Dinah laughed and poked Y/N's cheek.

Y/N groaned. "I don't fucking know. She cute and all- no not even she's beautiful oh my god. But I just met her and Camila is fucking with my mind."

Ally gave Y/N a small smile. "We heard Justin's asking her out and taking your third period idea."

Y/N looked at the three girls with wide eyes. "What?!"


A/N - WELP HERE COMES BIEBER. Get ready for a hell of a ride. Thanks for reading Cuties :)

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