Silent Thunder: We Take a Walk in the Woods

Start from the beginning

"Get up. Just follow these wolves and we'll figure out what's going on. Okay?"

She yelped but then shut up. Kyle was still giving her a "I'm going to kill you if anything goes wrong" look.

"You can talk?", she managed.

"Yeah, come on. Lets keep walking. I can explain on the way."

We trotted a bit to catch up to Kyle. She looked wary.

"Jonah, this is Kyle. I'm Helen."

She glanced at Kyle, trying to figure out if he still wanted to kill her and then walked up next to me.

"We are humans too."

"You are? Because you sure don't look like it.", she said.

"Its.....a long story."

"I have the feeling we have a while."

I sighed. I really didn't want to get into this. How could I sum it up in a way that didn't take forever and made sense? Strangely, it was Kyle who said something first.

"Basically me and Helen are humans and we can turn into wolves. Not at will, well not at first. We caused a few problems back where we live and had to leave. We-"

"What kind of problems?", she asked.

Kyle started to give her the death stare (what was up with him?) but I kicked him in the shin.

"We might as well tell her.", I whispered to him.

She looked at him, waiting.

"Helen can heal people. She saw a man be mean to a fry cook and slapped him. Then she healed the fry cook. She can be a little......impulsive sometimes. It was on video and people thought she could go to Juvie. So we left as wolves and were looking for a place to spend the night when we stumbled upon your trailer. You basically know the story from there."

She stared at us with a new kind of wonder.

"How did we get surrounded by a bunch of wolves?"

"Ummm....I don't really know.",

"Where are we going?"

"I don't know that either."

"That's just great."


After what felt like a few hours we came to a clearing in the forest.  The leader stopped and the other wolves circled around us. He turned and gave Jonah a wink. She was staring like her eyes were going to bug out of her head.

"I don't believe any of us have been properly introduced. My name is Gilligan. Yours are?"

I stepped up. I felt a strange compelling to speak up. To be the leader of the group.

"I'm Helen. This is Kyle and Jonah."

I looked at them when I said their names. Gilligan walked around us, examining us from every angle.

"Well then, welcome. It is a pleasure to meet all of you."

"W-w-what do you want with us?", Jonah squeaked. She was nothing like the strong, confident singer I knew her to be. It was weird.

"Nothing much. We just need you to bring salvation to our species."

My brilliant answer?


As you can see I'm an amazing conversationalist. Gilligan smiled. He was really annoying. 

"You'll see."

I looked at Kyle. He looked just as confused as I felt. I shrugged. (Well, attempted to. It's not the easiest thing to do as a wolf.) Jonah had separated herself from us and was looking around in wonder. Gilligan walked forward and started to dig in a pile of leaves. He motioned for us to come closer. We stepped forward, cautiously. He was staring at the ground which was now visible.

Personally, it just looked like a bunch of dirt. He waved his paw over the dirt and said something. I couldn't hear it very well. It sounded like "humph mum" but I'm probably wrong. The dirt shimmered and pulsed. It was covered it a faint white light. It glowed brighter and brighter until I was forced to look away. Once it died down I looked back over. There where the dirt used to be was a tunnel leading underground.

Gilligan smiled at us, flashing his bright white canines.

"Follow me."

He walked into the tunnel. We hesitated.

"I nominate Helen.", Jonah said.

I looked to Kyle for support. I really did not want to go first. He looked into the darkness and shrugged.

"After you."

I sighed and glanced at the tunnel.

"You suck."

I took a deep breath and plunged into the unknown.

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